Natalie J.
Reaction score

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  • I finally hit the quadruple digit reaction score. Totally not important, but it makes me feel like people are actually acknowledging me and that's always something I need.
    "I should try to get to sleep since I have class at 10:00 AM tomorrow," I say before immediately coming on here for some reason.
    Has anyone else been getting an excessive amount of ad breaks on YouTube lately?
    I've been living in a constant state of anxiety because of about a million different things that are stressing me out. I also have generalized anxiety which is making it even worse. My life has been...not fun lately, to say the least.
    I'm super excited to have commissioned some art of a new sona I'm going to use. I'm hoping the final product will be done today because the progress I've seen is really good.
    I have such a bad inferiority complex, it's insane. I try to do anything anywhere and my brain defaults to "well they're not going to care and they'll probably just tell you to go fuck yourself so you might as well not bother." It's really frustrating and I wish I knew how I could get over it.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I know the feeling all too well, just so you know, you clearly improved a lot as a person
    I'm totally a trans girl, I just don't mind being called he/him and acting a little more masculine sometimes.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    That's the beauty of it, there's no catch all for everyone, it's about feeling good about the real you
    I went through a pretty short lived Fortune Street phase back at the end of 2021. Should I get back into that game?
    I own that game, and while I haven't played it in a while, I think you should get back into it, because it's a very fun game.
    I woke up feeling really good today because I dreamed about being Mario. Disregard all the other nonsensical events that happened though, my dreams are always like that. I just want to be Mario.
    I love how there's rumors of a new Crash game and so far all the responses I've seen are "okay cool but where's Spyro?"
    Was there just a mass renaming while I was getting my phone battery fixed or something?
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Oh, AKG opened up and now all the roleplay themes are coming out of the woodworks. Makes sense now.
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    Reactions: Odie
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    kg sign-ups opened

    so yes
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