MegaBowser64's 1,000 POST EXTRAVAGANZA


The sixth month of the year!
Well guys, this is it. I've been on here for almost 9 months now, and this is my 1,000th post.

I wanted to do something special for the occasion, so I made a special thread, and I'm changing my theme to something VERY fitting.

As for my gift to yall, idk, you can just listen to the song up top, it's already there

And I wanna give my thanks to everybody for being so nice, encouraging, and fun to talk with on here. Here's to another 1,000 posts and more great memories being made!!

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Unbelievable. It feels so cool having a 4 digit post count!!!

OTHER EDIT: aaaand theme change complete!! I took use of the default title for 1,000 posts being "King Bowser" and ran with it for a theme, I thought it was SO fitting and I've been planning this for a couple months now, but I wanted to keep it a secret until now :)
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