Gay Rights Luigi

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  • Got a letter from a new penpal. She stated that she NEARLY BROKE HER BACK but was like who cares cuz she instantly moved on to talking about Luigi.


    She's from Belgium btw.
    Did she go into details on how she nearly broke her back?
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Yeah, slightly, her horse bucked her off and she fell on her back. Didn't give me a lot of details though.

    She's a new penpal.
    I need some good Mario jokes for my penpal.
    Q: Why did Toad cross the road?

    A: Think up of better jokes, dude.
    Why did Mario cross the road?
    Because he couldn't find a warp zone.

    What kind of fish would dare to attack Mario?
    A Barakoopa.

    How does Mario know what will happen in the future?
    He uses a Luigi board.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Two Yoshis tried to reach farther than the other, but they were tounge tied
    Someone edit the Nyan Cat theme to be luigi's voice and use this pic as the thumbnail:


    and if it's already been made show me i need it right now
    I got braces yesterday~ My mouth is in pain.
    Don't worry. It won't be like that forever. Bad Part is that you can't eat gum, chips, caramels, stuff like that. The good part is that they'll be off before you know it.
    Braces suck. Too much pain for too little gain. I got by completely ignoring the diet (frankly I never ate rocks anyway but I'm not giving up popcorn, caramel, and gum). Don't worry, they'll end eventually. And then it will be nothing more than a memory. An awful, awful memory.
    And your teeth will be beautiful.
    My mom woke me up during my sleep because I was smiling. In my sleep. I don't do that. But I guess dreaming something about baby mario does that to ya.
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