Pink Cat
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  • Advertising idea: Point out that you don't put ads on YouTube and annoy you to death
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I make around 1000 a month from YouTube ads though...
    My dad's sick, I never see him cry so it must be really bad
    That must be horrible. Seeing your parent cry is one of the worst feelings in the world. My sincere condolences. Hope he gets better soon.
    hope he gets better soon. Stay strong ❤
    you should spend more time with him, if possible...
    You know, considering it prevents Diddy from telling about K. Rool's attack, I think the infamous "Holograms" song might be an intentional joke of how shoe-horned the songs are
    Try to guess who comments above you in this status Smash main
    You mean, guess their Smash Main?

    Okay, uh, Peach.
    Want free Platinum Coins from My Nintendo? It's on me, first come, first serve
    I have a good amount of Platinum Coins already so I'll probably let another user who needs it more take it, but nevertheless it's a nice offer. Thanks!
    I want some! Give me as much as you can!
    Namco might be reviving Klonoa, Mr. Driller and Wagan Land, my day has been made, Mappy and Valkyrie next pls
    I'm more so interested in a Mr. Driller revival, since that game rocks! That game has a surprisingly majestic soundtrack that's uncommon for puzzle games, as they are content to go with catchy tunes but Mr. Driller added an epic layer in it. Plus, it has multiple characters although I wish there were more even though its 7 characters might be enough.

    Klonoa is cool though, because what would have been brushed off as a simple platformer is layered with a very huge helping of great characters and world building. No wonder people love it.

    Thank you for reading.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    These point to remakes due to sharing the same subtitle as the Karamari remake in Japan
    Even then, the original PS1 version of Mr. Driller is hard to get due to being delisted from PSN and the only other option is the PS1 classic, ew
    I find it weird that you can report your own post, it's like
    :"Mods, that mofu needs to be taken down" *Points at mirror*
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vivian
    Paper Mario
    Paper Mario
    iirc that was possible on the old software too: a user's parent reported them from their own account to notify the mods that he made it without permission.
    it's not just that. We can't delete postings, just edit them so if for some reason we want the post gone ourselves we need to report it so we can provide a moderator a reason for it to be deleted.
    *Frame of a very poorly drawn version of me* Mario Boards, wake up! You fucked up big time!
    Wait, people legitmatly still request Goku? I thought that died off in the Brawl days and was just a joke
    Yep, it's still happening. Sakurai has denied him a few times specifically, this recent one is probably his third time. But people are still going to ask for characters they want to see, because why shouldn't they? People also ask for him just to see if they can ruin the roster for the community, but eh, he's not coming anyway.
    Goku has a heart disease.
    ...I thought Kirby's birthday was on April 27, and that's what the post says too. An error, perhaps?
    It's actually stating that it's been 10,000 days since Kirby's Dream Land came out in Japan. Still, that's quite a long time!
    Oh, is it? Google Translate sucks That's a really cool milestone to reach! 10,000 days of Kirby...10,000 days of Dedede...pretty amazing accomplishment.
    I know health care is free outside of America but does that include vet care? I hate that my pets must suffer because we simply can't afford it
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