Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

To be blunt Im interested if something cool Ace Attorney related comes up otherwise probably not
i didnt want this
i am honestly very hyped over the potential for endless ocean making its return. i played endless ocean blue world on the wii and loved it despite getting stuck with an artic mission and never picking it back up again. hopefully having it on the switch will make it much more accessable since the original required a very weird and intensive motion control setup (wii things amiright)
i am honestly very hyped over the potential for endless ocean making its return. i played endless ocean blue world on the wii and loved it despite getting stuck with an artic mission and never picking it back up again. hopefully having it on the switch will make it much more accessable since the original required a very weird and intensive motion control setup (wii things amiright)
Endless Ocean Luminous actually looks very impressive. Graphics look pretty good, plus 30 players online?! I had never heard of the series before hand, but I have played a very immersive diving game called Ocean Rift on my VR headset, it's so cool to wander throughout the ocean
Idk if I'm the only person who doesn't care that it won't mention Switch 2

I hope it isn't "an Indie World disguised as a Nintendo Direct"