Super Mario Wiki Steam group

Well I may look into it, I suppose; Golden Axe sort of interests me. I won't touch Ecco the Dolphin, tho.
I won't touch Ecco the Dolphin, tho.

good decision.

If you are shopping for individual games in that Genesis collection, DONT, EVER, GET Virtua Fighter 2, Galaxy Force II and Super Thunder Blade. They are horrible, horrible ports.
Mean Bean Machine brings back some memories. One of the first video games I ever played extensively. I had PuyoPuyo too but only for the SFC which I could only play during my stays in Japan.
Trine is $5 today, I highly recommend it, especially for that price. The gameplay is solid and the graphics are positively gorgeous.
It truly is an amazing game. Prob'ly one of the best indie titles I've ever played.
Thought you guys might be interested in knowing that there is a new Humble Indie Bundle up, the Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle. If you donate enough, currently a tad over $4.60, you'll also get a copy of the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle.
Now that you're on Steam, the first thing you'll want to do is check out this.

Basically everyone is playing TF2 these days.
It's THQ week, guys! Pointlessly late by now, but Metro 2033 is %75 off today so buy it if you hate Russia.
Remilia Bloody Scarlet said:
It's THQ week, guys! Pointlessly late by now, but Metro 2033 is %75 off today so buy it if you hate Russia.

Funny. Me and N were looking at a gameplay video of that a few days before it went on sale.
Titan Quest: Gold Edition is now %75 off for the THQ sale. And if you're interested, Duke Nukem Forever is %50 off for the mid-week madness sale.
^I haven't played any, but Spiral Knights seems to be popular.

Homefront and all its DLC is %50 off today. Also, the Tomb Raider series is %66 off this weekend.
Luckily my laptop will be fixed soon (hopefully) so I can play my Steam games. The only one I ever successfully played was Audiosurf Demo, though, but I'll try getting the other games to work. I might buy a game or two, too, so I can add you guys.