The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Goodbye Mr. Toad, till we meet again.
Cheesy said:
Ok, my back is healing, I'm finally out of physical therapy and I can use my iPad again. What did I miss?
smasher won little miss universe and packy found mcdonalds

'part from that, nothing much
I'm going to a campout this weekend, so I won't be here from tomorrow afternoon to about noon on Sunday.
man i havent been here in awhile, i think ill visit for awhile.

How ya guys been?
Zae Eildus said:
man i havent been here in awhile, i think ill visit for awhile.

How ya guys been?
We've been fine, nothing blew up while you were gone,

[me=NEXandGBX]throws button that does god knows what into the ocean.[/me]
Seto Kaiba said:
Hi Zae!!!! I missed you.

heya, i saw you on steam playing dust and such, good game friend, good game.

I missed you two duudey.

We've been fine, nothing blew up while you were gone,

good good ill just ignore what you threw away because it scares me.
Dr. John H. Watson said:
Zae Eildus said:
man i havent been here in awhile, i think ill visit for awhile.

How ya guys been?

I think I've seen you before

yeah i remember you, barely anyway you might have not been too active at that time or we just didnt talk much, regardless though nice to see you.

Oh yeah, totally amazing. Sad that I am done with it, although I guess I could get the remaining 20% out of the 117% of the game.

Once again, welcome back!

i think i only got 60% through the game and just suddenly quit playing, thats my thing apparently.

Speaking of which didnt your parents were all anti-video games, did they calm down on that or did you move out?

probably a bit off topic but its on a need to know basis.
Seto Kaiba said:
I am actually in college now. So yeah I moved out. It's been fantastic so far.


good to hear, have fun too, although i hear college can be pretty hard.
Zae Eildus said:
Seto Kaiba said:
I am actually in college now. So yeah I moved out. It's been fantastic so far.


good to hear, have fun too, although i hear college can be pretty hard.
Yeah so far, so far it is not really that mmuch harder than high school, buuuuut that's going to change.

Calculus could be better though >.>
GalacticPetey said:
Oh cool it's Zae.

you dont sound very amused. hi anyway

Yeah so far, so far it is not really that mmuch harder than high school, buuuuut that's going to change.

Calculus could be better though >.>


just the name will give me nightmares....

welcome back good man

hey there shadowshy, nice to see you again.

ayyy. zae, there was a thread wondering where you were not so long ago.

wow really? seems i worried some people, i apologize.

shit he's back

welcome back zae, i missed you

the disaster is coming

hmm missed you too, odd ball.

Always good to see Zae back

heh, thanks.