My DVD/blu-ray/digital copy came yesterday and I finally watched it, now making it three times I've watched this movie (twice in theatres, once on DVD). I've managed to cry all three times.
Are you fucking kidding me? The Gallows, San Andreas, Fifty Shades of Grey, and The Boy Next Door were playing in theaters close to me but not this? What kind of cruel world am I living in?
the 3D is definitely the best I've seen yet, though I didn't get to see the big movies like Avatar or Gravity
story wise it was okay, there's a lot of annoying narration, but once it gets to the actual heist it's pretty fantastic. and let's face it, if you're going to see this movie, it's probably for the coup itself
one thing about this movie; if, like me, you expected a fairly tense, dramatic film (a la interstellar), you will be disappointed. there was slight drama but it never really felt very tense and tbh most of the problems characters encountered were dealt with within a couple of minutes - comic relief was also very heavy-handed
other than lying trailers it was very good
lots of beautiful scenery