the official "u did it" thread

Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

The best kind of season.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I got flowers for this one girl that I like...

Also we had to run the mile in PE class
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I made Doomy's room in Starbound today


He loved it :birdo: :blooper:
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

finished my mock exams and I actually feel pretty confident about the results
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

President Madagascar said:
england has the weirdest driving rules

are you all lefties or what
It's a special club so you can instantly pass the test when you take it.

I'm right handed, as well as many people in my family. Only my brother is left handed among people I know.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Accomplishments? Yes, I'll share my accomplishment.
I fucking trained my new Bowser amiibo to level 49! Then my fucking brother threw a fit about fucking pillows and I was thrown off! The worst part is that MY FUCKING BOWSER AMIIBO WAS NEVER FUCKING SAVED AND HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO FUCKING LEVEL 1! ALL BECAUSE OF SOME FUCKING PILLOWS!!! :mad:
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Dinomic Duo said:
Accomplishments? Yes, I'll share my accomplishment.
I *bleep*ing trained my new Bowser amiibo to level 49! Then my *bleep*ing brother threw a fit about *bleep*ing pillows and I was thrown off! The worst part is that MY *bleep*ING BOWSER AMIIBO WAS NEVER *bleep*ING SAVED AND HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY BACK TO *bleep*ING LEVEL 1! ALL BECAUSE OF SOME *bleep*ING PILLOWS!!! :mad:
Why would your brother be angry because of pillows?
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Dinomic Duo said:
Because I was "hogging all the [*bleep*ing] pillows"
Do you share a room with him then? I never have problems with my brother over pillows, but I do over... um... crayons...
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here


This was in the living room, and since the Gamepad CONVENIENTLY started running out of fucking batteries, I couldn't go anywhere else.

And actually it was both brothers.

Like seriously. I'm using 4 out of like 20 fucking pillows. THEY'RE the hogs.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Ah, OK. For some reason, I imagine you in your room with the Amiibo. Then, your brother comes in, complaining about pillows. Then, you get angry and somehow, the Amiibo doesn't save. (I know nothing about Amiibo tbh)
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I was kicked off the Wii U by my mom and didn't save the amiibo because my brothers got me mad over something I didn't do

This is getting too complicated, so I'm done explaining.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Drama with an ex-friend of mine... Basically him and my ex-girlfriend said a bunch of negative things about me behind my back. They said that I was spoiled, and didn't have a clue about whatever (women maybe? Don't know exactly what they meant by that).

Well, I discovered that, confronted him, and he tried lying to me even though I had proof. I also said that he had no right to call me spoiled considering his dad practically handed him a house/car/job. I guess I struck a nerve because he virulently swore at me, and told me to never text him again (this was all through text).

So, yeah. 15 years of friendship flushed away because he decided to side with my ex-girlfriend who I only dated for three months.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I wouldn't mind making peace with him, but I think this is the end. He stopped talking to me after my ex and I split anyway.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

something tells me that guy was under the impression the phrase was "hoes before bros"

you're better off without those kind of jerk friends anyway, let em talk shit, they're just wasting their time talking about somebody who they dislike, which is pretty sad that they have nothing better to do.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Thank you. That's basically what I'm thinking now. I've got better friends anyway, ones that I actually trust.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Dinomic Duo said:
I'm sorry to hear that. Someday, you may be friends with him again, but leave it alone. If he needs you for something still, help him, and don't be scornful.
no fuck that shit

if someone is treating you like that, cut them out of your life. you should have no respect for someone like that
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Nabber said:
if someone is treating you like that, cut them out of your life. you should have no respect for someone like that

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm going to do.

Also, here's the text he sent me:

Fuck you ass hole I pay rent you peace of shit you dont no nothing

As you can see, grammar is not a strength of his.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

So today I started my new job as a programmer at a games company :)

@KPH sorry to hear that bro
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Thank you. I'll be alright. And congratulations. :)
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I'm getting back 10€ for my MM3D Special Edition from Amazon because Nintendo forgot to put in the Pin Badge.