What game did you last play?!?!?!?

Garnet said:
Spyro the Dragon

Golden Sun 2. Getting lost is a gr8 excuse to over grind.
Yoshi's Woolly World
That level with the curtains that let you jump on platforms actually lags lol. Any time you go into the parts above it, it'll slow down noticeably. Also fuck, why does it have to be an ice world :'( at least this confirms that world 6 isn't a secret world but just the real final one. I've gotten stars on every level up to 4-7.

Fire Emblem Awakening
I'm out of Limit Breakers, I'm gonna have to grind for a few more. I'm up to Lon'qu on the list of max stat units. Everyone before him has been maxed + Nah. Kellam is the dorkiest looking general lmao bright orange armor hahaha.
Sapphire said:
Zelda 2. It's time.......to guide and save state this game to death or completion. I've already beat the first temple.
yesssss let's race

I'm on the second temple, good luck catching up. :dk:
Yoshi's Woolly World
4-S is really cool, took me about ten tries and I was able to get every collectible on one run which was awesome. World 5 is indeed an Ice world meh. Slip and slide physics are infuriating, I hope the stages are at least not designed around that.

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Got a little bored with grinding so I bought the Challenge Pack to try have some fun. Death's Embrace took three tries, I just sort of spread everyone out with Lifetaker/Renewal/Galeforce. I liked the gimmick, it was fun. The Anna one was really easy to be honest, probably because there wasn't much of a gimmick. Roster Rescue was just a matter of knowing how the walls were gonna work, I sent at least one good unit each way and it was done. Sumia was a huge help on the right side, Severa down the middle and Avatar down the left. I had to do it twice since Gaius got fucking destroyed by reinforcements after I'd already killed the Revenants.

Death's Embrace was good, Roster Rescue was okay, Anna one was bad.
I just paired up four galeforce units with four flying units and sent them to the islands to handle the other fliers. Sent some tome and/or Luna units (I think I sent Gaius as well to use Lethality) to deal with Generals/Snipers.
Kingdom Hearts

Okay seriously? This is what I'm doing after going through Chernabog?! I'm stuck in a room for 10-15 minutes where I have to fight the most annoying heartless in the game! I hate the floating heads, I hate the sword wielding heartless, and I hate that giant beast who takes so long to kill! Why can't I just go to Ansem after killing Chernabog?!
Yoshi's Woolly World
I read the wiki page, if I knew the yarn yoshi's on the save files actually changed the colour of your default Yoshi then I would've used the third file for light-blue. It's too late now :T Probably going to try and beat world five this week and then do world six next week.

Fire Emblem Awakening
Finished with Lon'qu, time for Ricken. I also gave Lissa the Bond skill from Bride, she had a spot that needed a more useful skill than All Stats+2.
Mario Kart 8