What are Some overrated Mario Games

eeeh sounds to me like this type of game just ain't your style then
Super Mario Galaxy 2

I don't understand how people would be so quick to call this AS great as the first Galaxy, or even BETTER than the first Galaxy.

So we can give Madden flack for being so copy paste, and lacking any real innovation in the series, but when Galaxy 2 does it…that gets a pass?

The level design is too familiar to the point where it feels like they just used the same levels but in reverse, and half the music just feels like a tweaked version of the first game. The only music in the game that stands out are Sky Station, Bowser's Galaxy Generator and the final Bowser Battle. Speaking o which, the Bowser fight can be beaten in less than 30 seconds. I'm not acting as if every Bowser fight are the greatest aspects of a Mario game, but this fight was just so bland and so easy it felt like there was no effort into that fight.

The story is so…stupid. Now it's practically illegal to expect a Mario game to have David Cage level of quality writing in a video game, I get that, but I expect a story that makes me think "Yes. This is worthy of being in an open world 3D Mario game." And while I think Sunshine's plot is worse, they managed to make it feel like something that makes Sunshine a grand Mario game. Galaxy 2's plot is so ridiculously dumb, it feels like it belongs in another copy paste New Super Mario Bros title. In fact, that's what this game should have been called: New Super Mario Bros 3D.

the metacritic score still baffles me to this day but nowadays i don't really hate the game as much as i used to....ive grown up man
Very unpopular, but I didn't like Odyssey that much.
  • Despite having a lot of content on paper, I felt like the ten or eleven developed huge kingdoms and the six or seven mini kingdoms just ended up feeling smaller than the over a hundred galaxies of Mario Galaxy, or the many different areas of 64. Sure, they were bigger and well developed, but at the end it felt like I maybe visited six significant places plus a lot of side-stops, and spent too much time in each of them. Discovering the gimmick of a new galaxy in Galaxy every few minutes was just a little bit more exciting to me than spending hours in Steam Gardens until it way overstayed its welcome. I grew tired of each world before it was over.
  • I share the often-lamented criticism that an overabundance of moons made each of them feel a little bit too generic, and grinding each spot for moons just made me tire of the place even quicker.
  • I thought the new designs for NPCs and civilians in the places we visited were uncanny and too on-the-nose for the locations they were in. A food-themed kingdom with forks? A Mexican-themed kingdom with Mexican stereotype Dry Bones? I would much rather have liked to see them bring back obscure enemy variations from existing canon and flesh them out with their own kingdoms instead of the millionth pretty uninspired designs.
  • Similarly, I would have liked to visit existing places from canon more than original locations, so they get a little more lore depth. Why not platform through Star Summit and see how all of these RPG enemies translate to a platformer?
  • I did like the capturing gimmick and the variation it provides, but the cumbersome way to move and control some of them took away some of the momentum I value in a platformer, especially those little growing beanstalks in Steam Gardens.
Agreed on Odyssey. It was hyped up to be a huge world to explore like BoTW, but instead we got the equivalent of like 6 painting worlds. The art and characters are nice though.
The moons also are way too easy for anyone's that not new to gaming. This whole game can be beaten in a handful of hours.
Longing for the day we get a true vast open world Mario, with optional first person view playing.
Agreed on Odyssey. It was hyped up to be a huge world to explore like BoTW, but instead we got the equivalent of like 6 painting worlds. The art and characters are nice though.
The moons also are way too easy for anyone's that not new to gaming. This whole game can be beaten in a handful of hours.
Longing for the day we get a true vast open world Mario, with optional first person view playing.
My brother and his friend sometimes speedrunned SMO as well.
on a more serious note I frankly find the notion of something being overrated a bit silly. A piece of media having a ceiling on how much praise it "deserves" just isn't something I can take seriously at all, even if there are debatably some objective metrics for rating things. Like I despise ttyd more than anything and I do think it has a multitude of issues that do not get enough attention but it would be asinine of me to think it deserves a negative amount of fans, but conversely that it even deserves fans at all.

all a game deserves is a chance to be fairly evaluated by the consumer is my take on the matter.
Honestly at this point I'm inclined to agree with Koops on this.

And since it was mentioned earlier in the topic, I absolutely love Super Mario Odyssey and the first two Paper Mario games and Partners in Time is the most underrated Mario game
Mario RPG had rights to its fame in its time, but with Paper Mario and M&L available, it's way overrated in this modern day. Also why is Geno so popular? Is it *because* he looks out of place?
I'm really hoping the SMRPG remake fixes the main issues I have with it, which is the dated gameplay. I was never able to get into the battle system of SMRPG having started with PMTTYD and played most PM and M&L games before trying SMRPG. But I can't give an opinion on if SMRPG is overrated or not until I play the full game, which now I'm likely going to do with the remake. As for Geno, he's popular because he has a cool design, an interesting story and mission, and really cool abilities. I'm not sure what further justification is needed. I can't wait to experience his story for myself but I can easily see why people like him just from what I know second hand.

The Mario game I firmly consider overrated meanwhile is Sunshine. I gave that game multiple chances but I just can't get past the janky physics. Having played every other 3D Mario, I can say that the frustrating parts of those are the parts that are designed to be super challenging. Merely trying to control Sunshine in missions that are meant to be average in difficulty is frustrating to me. So I genuinely don't get the hype around the game. And then of course it has objectives that are the most obtuse in the series on top of already having a frustrating physics engine. That said, it does have a great setting and story (for a mainline Mario game). And it introduces the chad Toadsworth so that's points for it. But overall I still find it overrated.
I'm really hoping the SMRPG remake fixes the main issues I have with it, which is the dated gameplay. I was never able to get into the battle system of SMRPG having started with PMTTYD and played most PM and M&L games before trying SMRPG. But I can't give an opinion on if SMRPG is overrated or not until I play the full game, which now I'm likely going to do with the remake. As for Geno, he's popular because he has a cool design, an interesting story and mission, and really cool abilities. I'm not sure what further justification is needed. I can't wait to experience his story for myself but I can easily see why people like him just from what I know second hand.

The Mario game I firmly consider overrated meanwhile is Sunshine. I gave that game multiple chances but I just can't get past the janky physics. Having played every other 3D Mario, I can say that the frustrating parts of those are the parts that are designed to be super challenging. Merely trying to control Sunshine in missions that are meant to be average in difficulty is frustrating to me. So I genuinely don't get the hype around the game. And then of course it has objectives that are the most obtuse in the series on top of already having a frustrating physics engine. That said, it does have a great setting and story (for a mainline Mario game). And it introduces the chad Toadsworth so that's points for it. But overall I still find it overrated.

Geno is both overrated and underrated at the same exact time.
Geno would be cool if they finally released New Super 3D Geno World Land All-Stars Deluxe Remastered HD.
Both Mario Rabbids games. It really felt like they were missing something.