Video game series collections you want to see

Pink Cat

Art by Nexter45
While not always the best and some would prefer an outright remakes or remasters instead, series collections is a good thing for people who are new to the series and want an easy way to access it or those who do not want to spend too much via multiple releases of only one game.

So, do you have any that would you like to see in this modern day?

Personally, I want an Mega Man Battle Network/Star Force Legacy Collection similar to the Zero/ZX One, a Legends Legacy Collections would be nice also but that only has two games and a spinoff so maybe put in the spinoffs from the other branches in it?
Mega Man Battle Network collection is indeed missing, though those games also tend to be the longest by virtue of being RPGs. It is my most favourite Mega Man series so I'd be up for that.

As for my contribution, I think I would like a Pikmin collection and in my personal opinion, should have been that instead of Pikmin 3 Deluxe. Also, I would like to have a Popcap Games collection because those games are a fantastic lot, though their visuals would need to be remastered since most of them were made with 4:3 resolutions in mind.

Thank you for reading.
Smash 64, Melee and Brawl in one, with 1080p, widescreen and online play. ZERO alterations to the gameplay.
I would like to see a Paper Mario Collection, with a soundtrack and gallery for the artworks and manuals
First three paper Mario games for the console after the switch
Sonic Chaos Collection with EVERY Sonic game ever (except for Mania, Forces, TSR, and Origins)
The Sims 2 complete collection with every single expansion pack would be fine and dandy.
Yeah but they pulled it off origin and now it's legally very very hard to obtain
Oh yeah, a MVC collection would be excellent especially since some of the better ports of them are hard to get, maybe make it a vs series collection in general since SNK already released the handheld ones but I'm not sure about Tatsunoko
Also, a collection of Capcom's 3d Fighting games, Rival Schools, Power Stone, Star Gladiator, Tech Romancer, hell throw in Final Fight Revenge I guess
Yeah but they pulled it off origin and now it's legally very very hard to obtain
what the hell criminy, just let people redeem their old codes for the sims 2 for the ultimate collection if they have them or just sell it for like $10 or something.

yeah it'd kind of suck for the people who missed out on the free release but come on