Count if you are actually in preschool like the category description says

Okay wait hold up hear me out

So, technically there's no way that you can prove that I'm not Bowser Jr. And technically he could still be in preschool, cause, y'know, he doesn't have an official age or anything. So technically I can count, right? I mean, as long as we're being technical here...
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I suppose that's pretty much the only option for this one, is technicalities...

Carry the thread for us ;)
What preschooler would put their actual age? Can you even make an account at that age? 🤔

3 words. Fake internet identity.
You're part of Yoda's species; aging slowly
If I'm a biddybud, I could be in preschool too. Who the hey knows how to tell the age of a biddybud. Besides 26 human years could still be a toddler age for a biddy. We don't know their lifespans.

Although I guess I'm a Nossie right now, same logic applies. ^ w ^
Time to bring the count back up with the power of technicalities


Is that right? I wouldn't know, I haven't learned this in preschool yet.