Intercountry relationships in the marioverse


Cheep Cheep
The mushroom kingdom has very few relationships, as they focus only on expansion. They only have a few countries they trade with, and interact with the space empire. The space empire, and the empire regulates fungal spores traveling between planets, and assists the koopa kingdom in removing fungi from planets they don't belong on. The koopa kingdom spans over many planets, including many gold-rich planets that the king has personal castles on. Sarasland, which is a relatively poor nation (among the multiplanets), is allied with the koopa kingdom, as well as the ruined kingdom. The amphibiam empire is an empire of all aquatic and amphibious creatures, and often have inter kingdom battles. They ally with whoever ismost powerful, normally the space empire, mushroom kingdom, and koopa kingdom.
Mr. Saltman said:
I think you should have a youtube channel
I do. Search 'ichthys king a story of discovery', And I should be the first result. The Avatar is a grey shark-fish thing
The fuck
The first thing that comes to mind on inter-country relationship is this duo here:

Thank you for reading.