A weird laptop battery problem.


King Bowser
Hopefully someone here can help me because this has been bothering me for quite some time.

My laptop charger, the AC adapter works normally when the battery is not connected to the laptop. That is, the laptop runs on AC power only and everything is working correctly. However, when I insert the battery in, and put the AC adapter to charge the battery, the AC adapter acts like if it is constantly being plugged in and off. So, I cannot charge my battery past around ~15%. So I've been left with a PC more than a Laptop. Do any of you guys have any clue on why this happens?

I have a Dell Inspiron 3521
the battery probably wore out

how old is it? and did you keep it plugged in all the time?
The laptop is 3 years old. And when I had the battery, I didn't keep it plugged in more than ~4 hours, until it is fully charged. I will probably buy a new laptop soon, but I figured, maybe there is a system problem or something.
thje battery of my old laptop was completely exhausted after like 2 years of continuous use so it could be that

Shaggy said:
I will probably buy a new laptop soon, but I figured, maybe there is a system problem or something.

if you were going to do that anyways id suggest that because new batteries can be a little hard to get depending on the model.
Okay, not soon, maybe at the end of 2016 :P But I'm afraid that if I get a new battery, it will the same issue. Someone online mentioned that.
Did you updated the battery drivers to the latest versions? That may solve the problem. You go to Device Manager in Windows and check the battery's section and right click to update.

It does the job in Windows 10.