Koopa Kingdom Factfile

Clive Koopa

Koopa Troopa
Area: 996,432 sq miles
Capital: Lisbon
Major towns/cities: Chippenham, Shepburn Heights, Monstro Town, Langford. (All made by me except Montsro Town)
Major ports: Chippenham, Falmouth, Leyton
Physical Features: Mountains in the west, valleys in the north-east.


Head of state and government: King Bowser III
Political system: Absolute Monarchy (Not sure on this as I'm not an expert on politics)
Administrative divisions: 8 counties
Political Party: Koopa Empire
Armed Forces: 1,296,445
Conscription: 2-3 years (Optional)
Death Penalty: Used for exceptional crimes only
Defence Spend (%GDP) 3.4
Education Spend: (%GDP) 5.7
Health Spend: (%GDP) 6.1

Economy and resources

Currency: Unknown
GDP: 8,776.3 billion
Real GDP per capita (PPP): 30,911
GDP growth rate: 3.5%
Average annual inflation: 2.2%
Trading partners: Mushroom Kingdom, Beanbean Kingdom, Sarasaland and Sub-Con
Resources: Gold, Silver, iron, Coal
Industries: Machinery, Transport, Food Processing, Electronics and Communicaton, Food Products
Exports: Machinery, Weaponry, Electronics and Communication. Principle Market: Mushroom Kingdom (30%)
Imports: Machinery, Transport Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Food Products. Principle Source: Mushroom Kingdom (28%)
Arable Land: 25.3%
Agricultural products: Rice, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Fuit, Vegetables

Population and Society

Population: 156 Million
Population Growth Rate: 1.2%
Population Density: 101 per sq mile
Urban Population: 83%
Languages: English, Koopish
Education: (compulsory years) 8
Literacy Rate: 98%
Unemployment: 5.1%
Life Expectancy: 94 (men) 96 (women)
Child Mortality Rate: (under 5, per 1,000 live births) 8
Physicans: 1 per 275 Koopas
Hospital Beds: 1 per 275 Koopas
TV Sets: 886 per 1,000 Koopas
Radios: 1,977 per 1,000 Koopas
Clive Koopa said:
Languages: English, Koopish

You mind speaking a bit of Koopish for me?
Capital: Lisbon
Major towns/cities: Chippenham, Shepburn Heights, Monstro Town, Langford. (All made by me except Montsro Town)
Major ports: Chippenham, Falmouth, Leyton
Physical Features: Mountains in the west

So... the Koopa Kingdom is Portugal with chunks of England and British Columbia thrown in for good measure?
Seems like a pretty big coincidence that of all the names that could possibly be made up, you manage to name not one but four real-life Southern English localities (Chippenham, Falmouth, Leyton and Langford (the last one's also a BC city, but I'm guessing that part is by chance)). And Shepburn Heights smacks of GTA's "Hepburn Heights".

There's no shame in getting names from real life or other series (my name sources include Greek and Incan mythology, names picked out from the back of a CD, The Lion King II, my friend's ex and other people I've met IRL, Harry Potter, American history, Pokemon, actors, singers, airplanes, confectioneries, Jurassic Park, Latin, Russian and probably other things I can't remember - or even borrowed from subconsciously) but best be honest about it.
Shepburn Heights, I admit was inspired by Hepburn Heights. Most of the other names was out of my head. Plus this was written many years ago so can't really remember the whole details how I thought of most of the stuff in here.