Weird dreams you've had

I don't really consider any of my dreams weird, but this girl I know keeps having dreams where she meets Margaret Thatcher.
Jim McGinn said:
I don't really consider any of my dreams weird, but this girl I know keeps having dreams where she meets Margaret Thatcher.
she is so lucky

I have this weird recurring dream where I jump down my stairs. Like, literally, jump down the whole flight of stairs, possibly to my death or severe injury. I just do it. Willingly.

I also had another dream where I made out with my bed covers. I also had a dream where I cut a baseball in half. Then there was a dream where David Attenborough inspected a rash on my back, and he told me to close my eyes and think of children playing.

I also recall a dream where I became an admin here. Then there was that dream where I became a wanted criminal. Oh and the time when I shook a bear so hard his head changed into John Noble and he recited Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven Poem, only not how I remember it. I also punched Richard Dawkins in the face and he died. I also had a dream where I was on Scrubs and Dr Cox took a shine to me. Not to mention the countless dreams I've had relating to The Lord of the Rings series.

I normally have a dream sometime before the Hobbit movies come out. First time was when Bilbo and Gollum were in the cave and they were riddling and Bilbo escaped. Second time Bilbo and Thorin were on this cliff, and they were surrounded by orcs or elves or something, and Thorin says something and the movie cuts to black BEFORE WE GET TO SEE SMAUG (pissed off about that, almost wrote to Peter Jackson when I woke up, until I realised that it was just a dream and I hadn't seen the movie yet). I expect that I'll have a third dream sometime before the third movie comes out.

I think at one point I dreamed a dream, and then my dream SUDDENLY CHANGED CHANNEL TO THE WEATHER, AND I SHIT YOU NOT, WHEN I WOKE UP, THE GUY PREDICTED THE WEATHER CORRECTLY. SUNNY, BUT RAINING. FUCKING WHAT. Before the episode aired, I dreamed the Clockwork Robots from Doctor who invaded my old school. Somewhere down the line I've dreamed about Harry Potter, and somewhere down the line I've dreamed I was a chick. Felt good. Then there was the time I died from Lupus or something. Didn't feel good. I was shot! That felt even better. I've had dreams of my own dad being some sort of cruel, tyrannical warlord, which made me a bit afraid of him as a child. I had pictures of Gollum in my room as a kid, and in one of my dreams, those posters came to life, scared the shit out of me. I've had dreams of being in a zoo full of spiders. Then there was the dream of my room covered in cobwebs.

There's more, but I can't name them all at the moment.