Wii Fit U


9-Volt must be my video game counterpart.
So, this game came out physically 13 days ago. Does anybody have it, how is it.

I plan on getting it, and it will be my first Wii Fit game. I am buying in hopes to...

1. Improve my balance (which is great, but want it to be BETTER!)
2. Improve on my posture (which has gotten bad because of me being a couch potato)
3. Be more active (I find real fitness to be rather boring)

Also, the game looks fun. However, some of the activities look embarrassing so I am glad I have my own room where I have my own privacy (Note: I have no younger siblings that barge into my room, only one bigger sibling).
I was playing the 30-day-trial.

As always, I always play the games for balancing, even though I don't need it. I naturally stand right in the middle of the board. That's what Marching Band does for you. :P

There didn't seem to be much more games from Wii Fit and Wii Fit U, but I definitely loved the trampoline one.
I'm getting the game tommorow, I can't wait to play it. I am especially excited for the dance activities.