Youtubers you dislike (rant thread)

Shoutmon said:
Finland said:
every fucking Minecraft Let's Player fucking ever.

uh oh, you insulted neptune's boyfriend...
oh god, I wish...
well it wouldnt happen if people didn't keep changing their gender on the forums
I don't know if this exactly counts, but...

I have nothing against Pewdiepie, maybe it's because I've only seen a few of his videos, maybe not. It's his fans that peeve me. They pretty much think he is god, and everyone who's done a lets play of a game he has done (even if they started before him) sucks, even if their lets play is just as good. Then they start yelling and swearing at people who are either A) just stating an opinion, or B) trying to tell them that's their opinion and to leave the other lets players alone.

Then it leads to flamewars in the comments, resulting in the lets players getting mad and deleting comments, or setting them to approval only, which is better in the long run.

Tldr; Pewdiepie is a great lets player and all, but the fans need to STFU sometimes towards other lets players.
I should also say that I really don't like KSI. If you live in the UK chances are that you've heard of him but case you don't know, KSI is guy who's most well known for his FIFA videos. He also does laxy Q&A videos and some horror let's plays on his HD channel. The reason why I don't partially lik him is because he's sexist, homophobic and throws in at least one inappropriate joke per video. His personality is annoying as hell, he acts like someone who wants to be cool but just turns out to be a prick. His videos have misleading titles and thumbnails which make you think the video is series and informative (with a couple of jokes thrown in) but instead are a bunch of jokey videos that cut 90% of footage when you expect to see all the footage there. He's not a nice guy either, he's insulted countless people in his videos and he'd also done some ridiculous pranks on people who don't know don't know I don't get why everyone at school likes him. A friend of mine said that he's the only person on youtube he watches and he stupidly thought that the the famous "Do a barrel role" quote came from him.
I find him annoying as well, and it's mainly the over-the-top reactions he has some of the time.
I'm not too fond of PewdiePie, Smosh, Fred, or the Annoying Orange.

TBH I only watched PewdiePie for the Walking Dead. Smosh I used to like, but not anymore and I always hated the other 2. :p

I also hate Youtubers who just waste their time bashing videos they KNOW they won't like or are just there to troll and spam.

I also agree with those who are against Day 1 LPs of a new game. First off, I get that you can CHOOSE to avoid them, but spoilers are pretty annoying and at times videos have a thumbnail that spoil a specific part of the game. I think about 3 or 4 months after the game is out would be a good time to LP it. =P

There's also the fact that the commentary would be lacking as you have 0 knowledge of the game (unless it's like a rehash, such as the NSMB games) and you wouldn't even know if you would like the game. After all, why do a Let's Play of something you hate?
Why do a Let's Play of something you hate? Well, there is a Let's Play of Superman 64...

The person who does spoilers-having LP would be wise to put a custom thumbnail and then say spoilers in the description.
Mario's Drunken Holiday Special said:
Why do a Let's Play of something you hate? Well, there is a Let's Play of Superman 64...

I don't think that's the same as being masochistic
Oh, I have a new one. All the bloody Pokemon youtubers. Jwittz and Dookieshed are ok, and TamashiiHikora is cute, but some of the other less popular know the ones. The people who:
1. Upload Pokemon wifi battles and almost NEVER upload them losing.
2. Do Pokemon Nuzlockes on emulators, constantly speed up the game, making them not pay attention to the game and lose pokemon, and then they blame the game or hax or something when a Pokemon faints. They don't even care about the Pokemon, which is the whole point of a nuzlocke.
3. Do stupid top 10 lists that are obvious and look like they have no effort involved.
4. Swear a lot. This is just personal preference, but I don't like people who swear a lot in their videos.

People like shofu, haydunn, and some others that I've noticed. It feels like they're just filling niches that "Pokemon can be for older people". Pokemon X and Y made everyone want to do it, and it just got oversaturated.
BowserJunior said:
Smaug said:
I love when people mistake genders on the Internet. It can be quite entertaining.
Yes, and it happens to some people *cough*Walkazo*cough* more than others.

This happens to me on a daily basis on GameFAQs
Marcus said:
well it wouldnt happen if people didn't keep changing their gender on the forums

im not even sure if i ever set my gender here, haha