Real-Life Photos

This asshat attacked me and took off my glasses.


I'll show you who's boss around here by creating an outright mockery of you!


P.S. She's an eclectus parrot who's named Jamaica and she's really friendly and pretty, but she likes to nibble on my face a little too much.
Ah, well I wanted to, but she's not mine. She's just chilling around in a neat bird store, and the owners probably called her that. I'll still call her "The Mario Bird" though! <3
Primarina said:
Magikrazy said:
Surprised you didn't name her Mario.
But that's a guy's name. Maybe "Maria" would be suitable, even O'Chunks thought that Mario's name was "Maria."
Not as in
Primarina said:
Magikrazy said:
Surprised you didn't name her Mario.
But that's a guy's name.

It might cause confusion among humans, but the bird herself won't mind.

But anyway, maybe her spoken name is "Marion" pronounced "Mahr-ee-ohn" but as a joke, "Mario".
I attended a Women's March protest with my brother in Los Angeles! It was so crowded! The buses and metro were unusually jam-packed for a weekend, but it felt good! It was relieving to see such a huge, yet peaceful protest against the president I highly despise.

Some pictures. Wish I can take more.





Awesome! I was really looking forward to go to the one in Chicago but unfortunately I was busy. I'm just gonna steal this photo from my friend...

They were on the L
be sure to regularly check behind the drawers in your room, because you never know what you might find of which you didn't even know you had it.

Like long lost socks or coins or license plates from missouri from 1975

I volunteer at a dog shelter, and this dog was my favorite resident. Her name is Evie, and I'm happy to say she was adopted on Thanksgiving day of last year. She's a Great Pyrenees (not sure if purebred), and is very sweet. I got in contact with her new family recently, and they absolutely adore her. I wanted to adopt her myself, but I'm happy she was adopted by a family that loves her.

Fawfulthegreat64: now, now, don't you be taking over alternate dimensions in that get up. If you know what I mean.