WarioWare SMASHED! (Fangame)


WarioWare SMASHED! is a fan game made in Game Maker 8. It'll be the best WarioWare FanGame ever!

Progress: Finishing Wario's Stage; Working on Mona's Stage...
Wario: 80.1%
Mona: 0.1%
Others: 0%

The Game Counter in Wario's Stage

Keep watching. Wario wants the money, and he knows better than stealing it, he'll make games for it.

You can submit your own games. Post your ideas here and I'll try my best.

If you wanna try a demo, PM me.
What's with these Warioware fan games.

If it's gonna be called Smashed though, you better include Smasher
"Progress: Nothing yet...'"
Be aware of this statement, because announcing a game before you even write your first line can be dangerous.
I mean, you have a concept, but if you fail at delivering anything at all, you'll disappoint yourself, as well as all the others that are waiting on it.
OK, I get it. I am in the progress on making Wario's Stage (the first stage in the series). I'll update the first post as progress happens.
Big news from Diamond City! Wario's Stage is almost done. One one microgame, as well as the boss game, is absent from the current product. The Speed Up system has also been implemented, minus the actual speeding up of the game. Remember, if you want to try it out, send me a PM to do so. But be warned, there is no sound. Also remember, that if you have any ideas for microgames for future gamesets, feel free to share your thoughts!
Finished Wario's Stage, minus the sound. Remember to PM me for the game, I do not want people to play the levels out of order. Post your high score when you are done.

I'll continue to work on Wario's Stage, as well as start Mona's Stage. If you have any ideas for any other characters' microgames, you may post your ideas here.

My high score in Wario's Stage is 45. If you can beat that, you are epic. But be warned, you must receive the game via PM, that's a rule. You can't just download the game.
Why must one ask you via PM?
Well, if it's not finished yet, I'd understand.
Well, that way, I can ensure the game stages are played in a particular order. I can't just send the game to any old person. If you have any objections, I'm sorry.

Anyway, I'm currently doing the finishing touches to Wario's Stage, adding sound effects, with the possible addition of background music. It should take a while...

Anyway, if you have any suggestions for future microgames, you may submit them.

EDIT: All the sounds, sans music, is implemented!
Can't you simply manage Scenes? They're there to do this for make players play stuff in a particular order for you.
Also, what do you mean by "old person"?
I'm not sure how scene management works with game maker 8... It may take more that it does to make 10 or so microgames... Until I get an answer, I should only share via PM unfortunately. Still no music in the game or in the counters yet... :-\
Update: Wario's Level is almost complete. All the music for the microgames is implemented. All that is needed is music for the game counter as well as music for the boss game...
I suggest that for Dribble and Spitz' stage, you use sci-fi themed games. This would include superheroes, space, that kind of stuff.