Your current mood.

Ughh... I'm soo bored and depressed. I know I want to do something other than go to bed, but at the same time there's literally nothing I want to do. I'm depressed. I feel like ceasing to exist because nothing will make me feel positive. What should I do? I applied for a job at Wal-Mart yesterday but I'm now doubting my abilities to even keep a job. I'm doubting my future will be bright. I just feel so negative right now. I don't know why, but it just hits me hard sometimes at random.
I feel just haappy and sad and great right idk how to describe my mood better than that
feel strange

like something is wrong with my stomach

hope im not getting sick.
My sister and I experienced a 5.1 earthquake yesterday night. It's on L.A. Times headlines.

Yeah, I'm worried if it's only a foreshock or not. If a much bigger one strikes, I hope... I can post once it stops.
Hypochondriac Mario said:
My sister and I experienced a 5.1 earthquake yesterday night. It's on L.A. Times headlines.

Yeah, I'm worried if it's only a foreshock or not. If a much bigger one strikes, I hope... I can post once it stops.

Yeesh. Hope nothing major hits you, best wishes!
very tired

kind angry too, but that might be due to being tired idk
I may as well be fucking dead; Milk is gone. Life is over. The most disappointing elimination since both of Pandora's.