LN1 tries to get Alive and Planting.(Warning: Many screenshots)


L - N - 1
Or since my version is the spanish version; 'Vivo y Plantando'

Alive and Planting
Survive 40 waves of pure zombie ferocity.

Pure zombie ferocity means Survival: Endless. If I survive 40 flags and die after, I get the achievement.

Sounds simple, so let's venture into Survival: Endless. It all can only go one way from here. Without further ado, let's do this.

Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie.

Oh, phase 1. The phase for setup and sun collection. The startup was pretty simple. I placed 4 sunflowers in each third of the level that is land. That means, 8 sunflowers, since 2 thirds of the level is land. I also placed Kernel-pults in the pool so I could build Cob Cannons. The setup plans to use 4 Cob Cannons. I also placed Repeaters for early defense. It looked something like this in the middle


The phase went quite well, just fired the Cobs at the zombies that emerge from the pool.

Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Bungee Zombie

It seriously went downhill here, but I somehow survived. I totally forgot to add a simple shooter to defend the Cob Cannons I added.


Yup, I had to rely on cobs to defend the pool. It went horrible. It just became worse even after I was self-aware of the problem.


I somehow survived.

Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Catapult Zombie, Zomboni

Okay, this flag's strategy is simple. As I was increasing my setup, I used Spikerocks at the third column from the zombies' side. Catapults are no issue. I added Cattails, added Pumpkins to some stuff, and collected sun. Also, Winter Melons. Middle round screenshot below


Once again, round survived, no major issues. We seem to have started good. Let's hope we end good.

More flags coming soon.
Blah blah, bump.

Zombies: Regular Zombie, Newspaper Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Dancing Zombie, Pole Vaulting Zombie, Jack-in-the-box Zombie
Made some adjustments to my strategy. Cattails will be abandoned in favor of Blovers. Twin Sunflowers will be placed somewhere else. Winter Melons will have one column all the way back, other more to the front. ex-cattail spots will be Doom-shroom reserve spots.
Uh, I had some trouble going through this flag, but I did survive.

Nothing memorable, except perhaps that this was the first flag with Balloon Zombies(may not have even been true). No major problem

Zombies: Regular Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, Digger Zombie, Zomboni, Balloon Zombie,(anything else)
Dealth with the Zombonis by using Cobs. Added Pumpkin to stuff. Midround screenshot:

I don't remember anything else much except that I was alarmed a little.


Welp, here starts the Giga-gargantuar shit. Zombies(since some don't know how they look):Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Dancing Zombie, Pogo Zombie, Balloon Zombie, Gargantuar, Giga-gargantuar, Jack-in-the-box Zombie

How did this go? Surprisingly not so bad. Though I think one managed to crush one of my front Winter-melons.
Also, it was either this round or the next with a lot of Jack-in-the-box explosions


Zombies: Regular Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Balloon Zombie, Catapult Zombie, Screen Door ZOmbie, Jack-in-the-box Zombie,(other stuff)
Or maybe it was this one with as many explosions as a Michael Bay movie(well almost). Otherwise, this one was a breeze, as Catapults are no menace.


Well shit. Giga-gargantaurs AND Zombonis.
Zombies: Zombie, Conehead Zombie, Dancing Zombie, Jack-in-the-box Zombie, Digger Zombie, Bungee Zombie
Added Glooms on land and the spots on their right sides are Ice-shroom spots. Got one Ice-shroom crushed. but I lived

I'm liking this.

It's a shame no one apart from us plays Plants bs Zombies.
Cranky said:
Ok, I finished this quite long ago, but here we go.

At some point I had quit and bam, Game Over. The zombies ate my brains. I lost at, IDK, 37 or 38 flags.

I gave it a second attempt and got it.

Lol so many big zombies.