Avatar: The Last Airbender + Legend of Korra

If you could choose what kind of Bender you'd be. What element would you choose?

  • Waterbender

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Earthbender

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Firebender

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Airbender

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • Non-Bender

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters
Nabber said:
wu's character development.... feels really forced

it's kinda like "hey, i'm still an asshole, but i kinda know how to lead a country sometimes", and i still find it hard to like him

What makes him an asshole, exactly?
okay asshole is probably the wrong word but... he's still really conceited, annoying, and really just does not care about anyone else if they don't benefit him in any way

so yeah i guess asshole is probably the right word

i know he's supposed to be comic relief but i simply can't stand him no matter how hard i try to like him
Nah, the only leader being an asshole right now is Kuvira. Aside from that, though, only the Avatar and the members of Team Avatar have really been gung ho about compassion and altruism. As for comic relief, I've always considered Varrick as providing that.
varrick's good comic relief, but if wu isn't supposed to be comic relief, what's he supposed to be? i guess they just needed a character to be the earth king once they take kuvira down, but i sure wouldn't feel safe with wu as a leader
It's my thought that Wu exists because Suyin doesn't want to lead, and Kuvira's a dictator.
I think the moment that cemented Wu's assholiness was when he admitted he's only being helpful because he wants to have a shot at dating Korra, and he doesn't believe in good deeds without ulterior motives. That apparently touching moment where he calmed down the panicking citizens? He most likely did it to get into Korra's pants.

To be honest, I'm kind of hoping the show will go for a curveball and either have Suyin come to terms with the fact that the Earth Kingdom needs a competent leader, or someone else qualified step up. Wu is acting like a sleazeball right now and there isn't much time left for miracle character development.
It's currently exam week at school and tomorrow is the last one. So after the exam, me and some of my friends from school are "renting out" a room at school so to speak (not really, just getting permission from the faculty) in order to watch the Korra finale tomorrow. The room is used for large lectures and meetings so there's a big screen and comfy chairs. We're bringing snacks and it's gonna be awesome.
Our school is pretty lax (sometimes at least). We've had two Smash tournaments hosted there. Some local players who don't even go to our school came and it was fun. Got wrecked though.
The Korrasami is strong in this one. Sucks that Hiroshi died. New spirit portal. ZHU LI AND VARRICK GETTING MARRIED. Better than the TLA finale, don't care what anyone says.
Mario4Ever said:
The Korrasami is strong in this one. Sucks that Hiroshi died. New spirit portal. ZHU LI AND VARRICK GETTING MARRIED. Better than the TLA finale, don't care what anyone says.
Dammit, I didn't think there'd spoilers for the last episode already, seeing as I thought it wasn't out yet (I was told noon, not midnight), so I clicked it ;_;
well, if it makes you feel any better, the fact that you said so saved me from doing the same thing


well here's the link if anyone wants to watch the finale http://www.nick.com/videos/clip/the-legend-of-korra-991-full-episode.html
Sorry, I kind of figured a post at this hour would have been a giveaway...in any case, made the tag more specific so no one else loses their minds before they're ready to.
oh my god that was the best possible ending
That was a brilliant finale. Even better than The Last Airbender's, IMO.


Puddink said:
holy shit dat korrasami
Whelp, that's that. See you all in a few years after two more books and another series is greenlit.
If one is greenlit. Seems to me that Korra has proven that there aren't really many more places we can go so far as a theoretical future goes without it turning into X-Men.

Puddink said:
holy *bleep* dat korrasami

The best part is, I'd call that confirmation, not just us misinterpreting stuff. That's the traditional way to slip stuff like this past the Nickelodeon censors. Ren & Stimpy did it, Rocko's Modern Life did it, the list goes on.

Ghost Jam said:
Puddink said:
holy *bleep* dat korrasami

The best part is, I'd call that confirmation, not just us misinterpreting stuff. That's the traditional way to slip stuff like this past the Nickelodeon censors. Ren & Stimpy did it, Rocko's Modern Life did it, the list goes on.
Yeah. Something annoying though, PEOPLE ARE STILL DENYING IT

As someone on /v/ said, "if you replaced Korra and Asami's behavior with two men, would you still deny it?"

It's still ambiguous enough to where fundie soccer moms can't complain about it but there's no way to deny the pairing now.

I just hope we come to the point where we can have homosexual couples on cartoons without people freaking the fuck out like with ParaNorman. Also sorry this is derailing the thread a bit but apparently on Good Luck Charlie there was a lesbian couple (a first for the Disney Channel) and in response people sent one of the actresses (a five year old girl) death threats. :I

But anyway the fact that there are still Korrasami denialists after the finale is pretty telling. Or at least it's telling how adamant some of them still are about denying the possibility that Korra and Asami can be a couple. We're not grasping at straws here.

Anyway have a cute GIFset








All my yes. All of it.

For a moment I was worried that Korra and Mako sharing a scene at the end would result in them getting back together, but luckily, not only did that not happen, but what happened instead was the best possible thing.
Puddink said:

Ghost Jam said:
Puddink said:
holy *bleep* dat korrasami

The best part is, I'd call that confirmation, not just us misinterpreting stuff. That's the traditional way to slip stuff like this past the Nickelodeon censors. Ren & Stimpy did it, Rocko's Modern Life did it, the list goes on.
Yeah. Something annoying though, PEOPLE ARE STILL DENYING IT

That's not surprising, really, and not just for the typical reasons. Despite it being pretty clear and falls in line with normal "slipping shit past the radar" behavior, we could be wrong. They could just be really close friends, as they have acted as main emotional support through either of their character developments. It's worth acknowledging simply for the sake of clean and open discussion.

As someone on /v/ said, "if you replaced Korra and Asami's behavior with two men, would you still deny it?"

It's still ambiguous enough to where fundie soccer moms can't complain about it but there's no way to deny the pairing now.

I just hope we come to the point where we can have homosexual couples on cartoons without people freaking the *bleep* out like with ParaNorman. Also sorry this is derailing the thread a bit but apparently on Good Luck Charlie there was a lesbian couple (a first for the Disney Channel) and in response people sent one of the actresses (a five year old girl) death threats. :I

But anyway the fact that there are still Korrasami denialists after the finale is pretty telling. Or at least it's telling how adamant some of them still are about denying the possibility that Korra and Asami can be a couple. We're not grasping at straws here.

By and large, it's less about the public and more about the investors. Nick is owned by Viacom, a supposedly Christian company run by Scientologists and that accounts for the people who hold the checkbooks. They have two standards to uphold against two very grumpy groups and ticking them off shuts down projects. Which is why we are seeing more and more of the "pixar line", if you're familiar with the concept, which I don't see as a particularly bad thing. Progress is progress, anyway.

Also, people were on about ParaNorman? I know the part you're talking about and I was surprised when I saw it. I was then more surprised when I didn't find anything on Google about people complaining. Thought it was a sign that the general audience was finally over it. Guess I've got some stuff to look up, along with Good Luck Charlie, that's new to me.

Anyway have a cute GIFset









Ah, parallels to the end.
There's not really that much room to reasonably deny it anyway. Even if you ignore how romantically charged the whole vacation for two scene is, as well as the hand-holding...


...the final shot, the way they turn to face each other, it looks way too much like the scene is cutting away before they kiss.

Like, there's ambiguous romance in a lot of media, and shippers are known for grasping, but this doesn't seem like a case of that at all.
At least on AvatarSpirit, people aren't so much denying it as disliking it because it, to them, didn't have the establishment that Katara and Aang's relationship had
Wow. What an ending.
Roller Coaster of feels. Stuff like Varrick and Zhu Li getting together is awesome, while Hiroshi dying was a very sad scene. But holy shit that Korrasami.