Wii U

16:00 CEST ftw.
I'll be watching it, this time.
Good thing I'm free on Fridays.
The most part of the Resident Evil: Revelations video is missing in germany. We just get a message instaead: "Parts of this Video are not avaliable for German Audience. Sorry!"
I'm excited for Sonic Lost World, seeing as Sonic Team put their shit together since Unleashed, but Nintendo is stealing so much of SEGA's stuff they might as well merge.
If they can keep it up during E3, I think I'm getting a Wii U this year.
Man, North America is really getting the shaft with the release dates on the new Wii U and 3DS games.
At least we get Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros. first, unlike 99% of all the other Nintendo-Published games.
I've watched Nintendo Direct yesterday, but to be honest, it was very disappointing.
Only 4 games announced in 25 minutes, of which 2 were already known facts, 1 only had a Planet shown with Puzzles on it, and 1 was a 12 minute long coverage of Pikmin 3 (12 minutes is about the half of the entire Nintendo Direct).
I hope we get a 50 minutes-long nintendo direct for E3 with tons of games or else I might as well RAAAAAAGEQUIT!
Just wait on some Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon games, stuff that saved Nintendo on every single platform (except for Pokémon, they only saved the Handhelds).
Just like the PS4 and PS Vita need God of War, Little Big Planet, and Uncharted.
Just like the Xbox One needs Halo and Forza Motorsports.
Mario Kart will save it, as long as they don't add god-awful characters like HQ, add good characters like Fawful and E. Gadd, and don't make it a Sonic crossover.
The only Crossover they've ever done to Mario Kart, was with Namco, and only on Arcades.
E.Gadd was planned for Mario Kart DS, but it got replaced by Dry Bones later on.
Reasons to buy an Xbox One:
Timed DLC!
Windows 8!
Equivalent (or lower) specs than that of the PS4!

Reasons not to buy an Xbox One:
Microsoft using ads in a paid service! (Look on the Xbox Live you pay for. Notice something?)
Games requiring HDD installs!
Used games requiring the full price of the game to be used!
The shitty way Microsoft treats indie devs!
You forgot non-removable hard drive that's only 500GB (Which will fill up real quickly if every game needs to install), Kinect 2 being always on, even if you want to turn it off, and always-online DRM.