Natalie J.
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  • If I'm going by Sky, should I get my hair dyed partially sky blue as well as black and purple?
    Dear neighbors: I really don't need a concert of your Spotify playlist when I'm trying to get some sleep.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm so close to submitting a noise complaint because whenever I'm in my bedroom, all I hear is yelling, loud music, and thudding against my wall.
    Dear neighbors: can you PLEASE hold off on construction work with your hammer and nails until noon? Some of us have a 10 AM wake-up schedule.
    I didn't watch the Mario movie trailer and I don't really want to, can someone tell me if it was any good before I go back to my depressive hidey hole?
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    It was surprisingly good.
    Emo Furcorn
    Emo Furcorn
    Watch it. If you want to.

    if you don't want to see a ridiculously good animation and promising eye candy visuals… you don't have to watch it if you don't want to.
    People are hating it because of Mario's voice but it sounded pretty good to me, so mom and I are gonna go see it in theaters this April. In 3D.
    I need some time away again. I'm going through a pretty bad breakup and it's destroying my mental health.
    Time to wait longer for the teacher to get here than the actual time that his class goes on.
    Fingers crossed that I'll get to be a TA next semester for the ENG 102 teacher I have right now.
    I think I've walked about three miles today just from running around all over campus. My legs are dead tired.
    I came out to one of my teachers just now and she said she would start changing all my information to have my new name on it, I'm so happy. I can be as expressive as I want with my gender out here and it feels so much better.
    I'm pretty sure weekend naps are the only thing getting me through school at this point because I only get like five or six hours of sleep on school days.
    The school WiFi is so weird. I can never tell if I'm scruff connected to it or not and sometimes it just runs slow as all hell.
    My school is really making me sit through three more years of boring undergrad shit before they let me do what I'm actually most interested in doing with my life.
    Anything for these colleges to get more moneys.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Join the club
    That's why I went for community college and set up up transfer

    Or at least that was the original plan...
    I'm all for reminding people what your pronouns are but I feel like trying to assault someone over an accidental misgender is a bit much, is it not?
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    For context, my dormmate accidentally misgendered my other dormmate's girlfriend and the girlfriend responded by throwing something at him, which is just taking it way too far in my mind.
    That's an overreaction
    I feel like being on Twitter for as long as I was just brought out the cynical in me over time.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    it horrifies me how loosely and casually people in there urge others to commit suicide, over the most trivial of things no less ("i don't like this movie"), and how much that is encouraged as the go-to retort.

    you'd assume these are kids who do this, but they're typically 20-something upon inspection. do they not realise how heavy that message is??
    Twitter brings out the worst in people. I've seen people fine here and elsewhere had some real OOF and "foot planted directly in mouth" moments in Twitter because Twitter is making them really unhappy!
    I'm going to get in my Shy Guy mask and hoodie for class today but if I sweat to death, I'll only have myself to blame.
    I sure do love having three really shitty dreams back to back to back in one night. Waking up feeling incredibly depressed is just the best feeling ever. /s
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