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  • I keep referencing World of Plight on my YouTube channel. I can think of three songs of the top of my head that have some form of "world ____ plight."
    Greenhorne Battle
    Nightmares Battle

    It's just... I don't know, funny to think about. It's a recurring motif for me or something.
    Something funny I noticed is that depending on who I'm talking to around here, I change how I write ever so slightly.

    For example, around Hooded Pitohui, my words become slightly overly flowery. And around LeftyGreenMario, the sink puns flow like a leaky faucet.

    It's just something I noticed.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Yeah, I do that, too. I think it's just the online extension of us tending to speak to different people in our lives in different ways. Different contexts require us to tailor our speech and behavior to them, after all.
    That's not just online but is a very real thing in real life as well, perhaps even more so. Heck, I think I've absorbed some mannerisms from my friends that I'm starting to use even when I'm not with them!

    But you should see me and Pitoi's discord dms. When two people who both independently have a tendency to write a lot message each other, it becomes a vicious snowball effect....
    i only write somewhat differently depending on the community im in or platform im using and really that just amounts to. the amount of typos i correct and mayyyyyybe some vocabulary
    There's a new Morpho Knight video coming in about two and a half hours and it stars Taranza! (It's my favorite so far, I'm sure you guys will love it.)
    That has got to be the most outrageous mafia day I've seen outside of WT mafia. (The fumes are still making me see things. I can't tell if I'm typing with a keyboard or a bowl of mints.)
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Are you sure you didn't borrow some of the cereal fumes because there's been some wild things going on
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Most of the day: *not really that much*

    The last 15 minutes of the day: *literally everything*
    What?! I didn't steal cereal! Why would you-

    Oh, borrow? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyes. I think I left the open box in the kitchen, which is what caused the madness.
    That new Kirby game is FIRE. Gonna pre-order it now.
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    I played the demo earlier today, and yeah, very good!
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    More than likely, I love it simply because it's Kirby. (Have you seen my username?!)

    And Dedede looks pretty great in that tribal coat and whatnot.
    Being a literature lover, I absolutely aDORE what Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is as a whole. I recognize basically all the characters and it's great.
    I need to finish that game.
    I'm in like level 12. It's just so crazy I love it. It's like 1800's-steampunk-fan fiction or something.
    Can someone explain The Skeleton Has Appeared meme to me? I saw it on Juno Songs and MotI's channels but I have no idea where it came from or what it means.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    It's the skeleton from Skyrim, it's supposed to be random and not that spooky
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    I would like to address something regarding the Shmaluigi, Private Investigator YouTube channel.

    I'm taking a break from it. This may be obvious based on the fact that I've missed the last three months worth of videos, but it's frankly been pushed off my priorities list as I prepare a massive project on my main channel, write World of Plight, and take care of real life stuff. I do hope to return to it, I just don't know when that will be.
    Hi, I'm here to make a very long post about Juno Song's cover of BIG SHOT and the song in general.
    This video blows me away every time I watch it. I do covers myself, so I know the amount of effort that goes into these songs in general, but this one in particular is very... tricky. Mine clearly took inspiration from Juno's: a similar pre-chorus layout [Now's your chance to be a BIG SHOT!], similar background vocals in the chorus [then again, what else will you do there?], a nearly identical ending, among other things. Of course, there are differences [I use a deep booming voice, he uses a scratchy voice similar to my Mole Miner Max voice, I looped it, he did it once with Deal Gone Wrong, etc.] and it may be a bit presumptuous or prideful to compare myself to him, but I digress. The point is, it was a very hard song to do. Not only was writing the lyrics challenging [mostly because I hadn't played the chapter yet], but the recording and editing themselves were more difficult than a stereotypical video.

    See, we both had fast verses that didn't follow the beat of the song. [Compare one of the two to Khamydrian's cover. There's a clear difference.] If it weren't for the bracketed words ("All aboard the train! We're taking a [Trip]") This would be impossible to do in one take. Sometimes I'll listen to an instrumental cover and sing my lyrics, but I frequently run out of breath because there's no place to pause. I imagine Juno took a similar route to what I did and recorded the main audio separately from the brackets. However, the majority of my brackets were done in one take. Very few came from other sources [Hooded Pitohui, K_Waluigi, and Arteeist] but Juno pulled from so many different places, even from his own songs! Plus, he put lots of digital editing into his voices. Some are garbled, some sound like they're coming out of a cheap speaker, and all of this help bring out Spamton's character. The amount of editing that went into the audio alone is impressive but when you get to the video. Oh MAN.

    Editing a YouTube video is the most mind-numbing thing to do on the planet, particularly with GSwL videos. Mine took a while, but Juno's? The sheer amount of time that obviously went into the video is absolutely insane! First off, he did two three? several bits of art for it. That's rare for his videos. Usually there's only one and if there's two, it's a simple edit. (The Shifty Sticker, for example. He probably had the art without Tape and then did two versions of Tape separately for that.) But this! Everything's unique. First, during Deal Gone Wrong, Spamton is looking down on Kris. Just the two alone would take awhile, but you add the random pipis, the flying pop-ups, the fountain, and general effects?! Plus, right at the pre-chorus of BIG SHOT, Spamton drops in front of the footage, and the fountain appears in the background. And it's not just a static picture! Spamton is flying around, being pulled back and forth by the strings, each one moving independently. (There's eight: two for hands, two for feet, two for wings, one for the back, and one for the head. Plus, his mouth kind of opens and closes.) Then it gets to the chorus. Ohhhhh, the CHORUS! I love it. Best part of the song, no doubt. The screen goes absolutely baNAnas. Mail trucks go buy with Spamton at the wheel of each. "TIME TO BE A [BIG SHOT]" begins flying across the screen on the back as the background vocals kick in. Paper begins spiraling all over the bottom half of the screen. And custom pop-up messages whiz from left to right. Afterwards, the trucks continue off-screen on their route as the pop-ups continue and the background vocals vanish. Footage from the fight (and other things) show up before it all lifts of screen, focusing back on the fight. The time it took him to make this part must have taken the length of a usual editing process! Maybe I'm overexaggerating. Maybe I'm too easily impressed. But something about this makes me just go WOW every time.

    There's probably more to say here, but yeah, that's all for now. If you made it this far, thanks for reading the whole thing.

    This outro slaps like, soooo hard.

    (Er, did I use "slaps" right? I'm not very educated on word usage like that lol)
    Hey, so I would like some help with the upcoming World of Plight mafia game. If you are not going to play and are willing, (Preferably someone who has hosted mafia before and has experience) I would like to be able to show someone the list of roles that I have lined up for the game just to ensure that none of them will be too over-powered. (This game is going to be... gimmicky in some cases. Nothing to distract from the core of the game but, oh man, I wish you guys could see what I have lined up right now.)
    I would appreciate that very much, thanks! (Any one else who is willing to help as well, let me know and I'll PM you.)
    yeah, sure, i'd be willing to lend you a hand if you need it
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    Thanks! I'll add you to the PM that was started, if that's alright.
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