Pink Cat
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  • These Tales From Muppetland specials are really charming, a lot of people forget that the heart is as important as the humor as far as The Muppets go
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Those I suppose Robin being a human turned into a frog and being turn back and Sweetums name being ironic is strange
    Loving You by Minnie Ripperton is the most beautiful song I ever heard, shame she is no longer with us
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    She sang the name of her daughter, that's so pure
    Hi, everybody, Klinsy from Heaven's Garden here, I want to talk
    *Kermit The Frog appears in a pond behind me*
    Not yet, Kermit! No one has willingly turn themself into a vampire to get girls yet!
    *Kermit descends to the sound of a kazoo*
    You know, I really like seeing the sun rise and garlic bread...
    There is missing the point of a work and then there is charging 100 dollars for a pass in a series that shows how damaging capitalism is to society
    I love how everyone is going to become John Wick if something happens to Polterpup in LM3
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    Reactions: Venture
    Kill my dog and I'll kill your family
    "This is a restricted area!"
    "you pick the wrong house, fool/
    "It's just me, Carl! Chill, CHILL!"
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    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    That tweet got ratio'd, good. Fuck Big Oil, fuck them spreading lies about climate change, fuck them profiting off the detrimental effects of climate change.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    As many pointed out, the consequences of the believers side being wrong yet still taking action is... the Earth being healthier and more options that lead to more affordable ways to get around? I understand that many people work on "I must do the opposite of who I hate" mentally, but here's the thing, I am not going to starve because my abuser eats, think, people, think
    You have to be careful with the "you should take action anyway" as it's a Pascal's Wager situation that has logical failings. But the good thing is that we do have mountains and mountains of evidence, and honestly, if you work in some fields like bird watching, climate change is right in plain sight.
    This is actually the anime I'm looking forward to the most, it looks so soft!
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Shame besides Retsuko and Show By Rock, I don't remember any Sanrio anime getting a dub, much less subs
    Reason I want to be a liberian:
    .Have income
    .Work at a flat out good place
    .Encourage kids to read
    .To have a reason to say : "How Brutal, but if you don't think a Liberian can fight, you are mistaken"
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    Reactions: Peachette
    Moving to Liberia would be a pretty big change though....
    So, I just read an article that argues that Untiled Goose Game is unfun because ... you have to play it and doing any action at all is a "chore" and then argues that this is a problem with all games because you have to play it and playing it makes you do actions and actions are chores and his earlier articles say no game needs a story or chracters and the dude who made this article is a game designer?????
    maybe that writer should just play some gambling games like fifa 2k because afaik there's no playing the game or chores
    There are sites that just post nonsense for fun, The Onion being an example. Where did you find the article?
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    The Antlanic
    Fun fact: Due to the Game and Watch Mini Classics line, Nintendo has made games of Yu-Gi-Oh, Spider-Man, The Smurfs, Star Trek and Harry Potter
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Imagine just chilling fighting Mr. G&W and bam! He summons Exodia and steals your pizza, motherfucker
    It's shame that Disney Heroes: Battle Mode is super unfriendly, even for a gacha, otherwise, I would playing the game constantly for the friendship stories.
    I'm just shy and scared of this place, just a fish out of water from outer space, you can see the trip left me tired and drained, so why don't you be pal and bring me some

    All these Disney remakes and they still haven't got Billy Joel to make a new version of Why Should I Worry
    Okay, imagine the least fitting plot swap between franchises but the characters' personalities stay the same, go
    I normally think Mario with a minimal/throwaway plot works best, but there's nothing stopping the Mario spinoffs from being really whacked about plot. But hell yeah I just want that game to be a Mario with western RPG elements, an action rpg, no turn-based nonsense. Just leave out the borked incompetent programming and goofy bad textures associated with Bethesda, we don't need that.
    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    Nah, you gotta have the janky programming. You can't beat Bowser today because he spawned breathing fire backwards.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Lupin The Third and Fraggle Rock
    *Thinks Fraggle Rock would have fan service now*
    Actually no
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