Sir Pentious

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  • i bet you put a ton of thought into this theme...

    a skele-ton
    Of course you do this theme just AFTER I drop the Undertale one I'd had for months lol. I was already prepared for an unforgettable themeing, but in doing so, I took away any possible hopes and dreams of matching Undertale themes.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    Actually I changed mine before you but I guess you just didn't notice lol

    I'd be down to do matching Undertale themes next month tho. I was thinking of doing an Amalgamate theme in August/September if I'm still interested in Undertale then
    Thinking of buying Pikmin 1+2 on Switch since I haven't played Pikmin before. Should I?
    graaaaaaaaaah play pikmin !!
    Daniel Dyce
    Daniel Dyce
    Buying pikmin is always morally and legally correct
    I would recommend it. It's a pretty good deal, and Pikmin is one Shigeru Miyamoto's better creations alongside Mario and Zelda.
    c'est moi un mario wahoo allons-y le temps de tirer sur ces fils de putes
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Scottish Mario, French Mario...

    SiFi, how many Marios of varying nationalities are there?
    Good question. I don't think it's as simple as "there's one for every nationality", but that still doesn't narrow it down that much.
    the French Mario one with XXL on its title is basically copyright infringement the video game
    I just downloaded gamemaker studio and am going to try to make a game. I already have a decent amount of experience but this will be my first time using this platform. Wish me luck
    I like fireworks
    • Like
    Reactions: June and Flowey
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    i like them but only when real professionals do them and not set them off in residential areas in the middle of the night
    Locking everything behind "professionals" is boring and authoritarian.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    Indeed. If you set a house on fire that's just a skill issue tbh
    So I'm not going to be here for about a week cause I'm going on a camping trip where there won't be Wi-Fi. If you want to, you can consider this post a preemptive sign up to any presentation, scribble showdown, or killing games that crop over that time
    Mario Wonder legit looks cool. Will be preordering if any bonuses are announced.
    Also, can we take a moment to appreciate "roll, roll, roll!"
    Okay a new 2D mainline Mario game is good and all (I KNEW it had to be coming soon, we haven't seen one in like a decade) but where the fuck is Tomodachi Life
    The roleplay board ain't very active anymore. If we were all to start a new roleplay, what would you guys want to do?
    Just give people time. Eventually, they will have their ideas ready for an RP, whether it's new or old. But don't bump up any of the ones that not a lot of people are playing anymore.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    It's my job that eats everything away.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I'm just waiting for certain users to return for plot reasons
    I actually wanted to present F10, but I don't think I can be trusted for one of the special high quality presentations just yet. Maybe next year.

    I want to focus on making two rock solid presentations to make up for my lackluster showings in 2021 and 2022
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hey, it's good you're scaling your targets to what you think is most achievable for you. I'm sure you'll create something good this year!

    That said, for everyone's benefit, it should be mentioned that the endcap awards aren't necessarily expected to be huge, flashy productions. The most important thing with them is having a reliable track record - as long as you have some history of reliability and quality, you can go for them!
    In other news, it is summer vacation and I am ready to kick my feet up and relax for a while- and do a lot of writing. I have a new fanfiction plus an original novella I'm planning on making. I've actually been considering going into journalism recently.

    Anyways, only have one big state test left on Tuesday then I'm done for now. Taking an AP class next year though, so wish me luck
    You know what would have made a good Mega Brawl team if I had gotten round to making a second submission? Cometstruck Berdly and Neo Rouxls Kaard. They worked together before, in Cereal Mafia. Would have been a pretty cool return for the two of them imo
    Man, all this stuff going on with reddit is why I use good old 'normal' forums with small communities
    the fact that steve has never sold out is what i appreciate most about him
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Yeah Mario Boards is a fantastic community
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    the fact that steve has never sold out is what i appreciate most about him

    i was rude to him in a talk page discussion, and while he accepted my apologies after the fact, i still feel like what i did was so deeply unwarranted that i should express my regret in a better way.

    he singlehandedly carries this whole decades-old, expansive community on his back. a good part of this is financial in nature. many others would have indeed sold out knowing they had such a valuable resource in their hands, and while i don't really condemn such people, i can't overstate how admirably steve has conducted his orchestra. to have a bonehead jeer at whatever he says has to sting even a little.
    August 12, 2036
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Finishing touches on presentations for the Mario Awards 30 will be underway and the great joke of the year will be the swift and unexpected collapse of Google.
    Life is unequivocally worth living. Because if it weren't, you wouldn't be living in the first place.
    Appreciate the world and its beauty.
    Chase your dreams and do whatever you want to do.
    Go on an ADVENTURE!
    The One Piece is real. Can we get much higher. So high.
    I'm going to be king of the pirates!
    Find things to laugh about. Laughter is the best medicine.
    Everyone has the capacity to find something to be happy about.
    Mario Boards makes me happy.

    This has been a Blathers Positivity PSA.
    I'm very proud of all you guys
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    I'm asexual too, actually. Haven't really mentioned it until now cause there's never really been a reason to bring it up but yeah

    There are load of issues that ideally just
    Shouldn't be happening
    When it comes to the treatment of people who aren't straight cis white men
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I also understand there are fringe groups online who lambast being cis male but like....that's just constrained to specific people on the internet. You dont actually see this type of thing being passed as discriminatory laws in real life.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    In addition even some of the people who aren't homophobic/transphobic bend over backwards to try to quote unquote "be reasonable" by not offending homophobes/transphobes, and end up not standing up to them at all. This worsens the problem
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