G Major Steven Stone

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  • The only MLP:FiM episodes I have left are the 2 or 3 finale episodes (depending on whether you consider The Ending of The End one or two episodes)

    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    I remember being in that spot almost exactly a year ago
    I have 7 episodes left in my list, though I haven't been watching the show lately so I couldn't get ahead of you. I thought that She Talks to Angel was a really heartwarming episode to watch. It offered an interesting outlook into Angel's personality and relationships with the other animals at Fluttershy's sanctuary, and I loved when the two finally agreed with one-another after a good amount of conflict.

    Summer Sun Setback was all right. There wasn't a lot to comment on, as I felt that the villains should've had a larger role in the story and that them hiding their accomplishments from Grogar just gives their progress a huge setback. However, I did like that the Mane 6 ended up saving the festival in the end.

    I fully agree with your thoughts on Dragon Dropped. Rarity acted like a clingy drama queen for a lot of the episode, overreacting to Spike wanting to hang out with Gabby and spend time with Twilight. And when they finally did start hanging with each-other again mid-episode, Spike was getting very exhausted and just wanted to be left alone. Though they did reconcile by the end, I don't think Rarity deserved an apology for her actions, which is why it's currently my least favorite episode of the season.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I felt the same about She Talks To Angel and Summer Sun Setback. With Talks To Angel I also really liked that it took who was one of my least favorite characters and made him funny and even sympathizable too, though the only part of the episode I didn't like was how Fluttershy gave Angel no time even for something that would take a short amount of time. I also liked in Summer Sun Setback that Twilight was finally more collected after the season hadn't done a great job in terms of making her freak out a lot, but some of the villains' plan was very contrived (Cozy's plan hinged on the weather pony not knowing who she was, and Chrysalis' plan hinged on all of the unicorns hired being extremely selfish and narrowsighted)
    Community college for me was like Legend of Korra; the first semester was fine, the second semester wasn't great, but the third and fourth semesters were really good
    Dragon Dropped? More like Quality Dropped from She Talks To Angel. Didn't think that joke was funny? Well it's more humorous than 99 percent of the comedy in the episode so *blows raspberry*
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    yeah but rarity apologising scene
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    It's a good joke on paper but even then I felt like it clicks too much with Rarity being too creepy-melodramatic here for me to enjoy.

    I did think it was funny when
    Applejack shouts at Rarity after Rarity constantly contrasts her with Spike, and how it plays into the bat running gag
    It might have made the episode a bit less unnerving if someone did that to Rarity later on too

    When Chop Kick Panda has over twice as many votes as Kung Fu Panda 3
    Since Chop Kick Panda is presumably a joke option, I presume that those who pick it might have done so ironically, in most cases at least.

    Thank you for reading.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I know it's just when Kung Fu Panda 3 is considered not as good as the first two to such an extent that the joke option gets more votes
    Ah, I finally have my MLP Season 9 first half rankings finalized. Now it's the final countdown to finals, after which I'll start on the show's final list of 13 episodes
    I really wish even these "liberal" news channels would cut out saying "American Indians". Where they were wasn't India, it was America
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I mean I read that some Indigenous people are okay with being called American Indian and they're trying to reclaim it ("Native American" was also assigned to them by their oppressors). Their most preferred way to be referred to is their tribe affiliation (like Navajo, Cherokee, Iroquois, Cheyenne, etc) since they're an extremely diverse group of people and Native American and First Nation isn't a perfect way to describe them.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Some Indigenous people still see American Indian as symbolic of a mistake made by their oppressors however. Sorry for the late response.
    I'm amazed by that survey stating that out of like 800,000 college students, not a single one would say they were a below average driver. I definitely am immensely rare then as I very much admit to being below average at driving. But that is why I am working to improve at it.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I've had the same shit when carrier academy asked people how you would rate your driving and im quite shocked to how many people rated themselves very highly. Like bro, if you aren't going to a complete stop at stop signs or leaving your turn signal on until you completed your lane change you aren't a 9/10 driver.
    Yes I was able to get an Absol badge before the Badge Arcade closes
    Also because of purchases I now have exactly one cent left in my linked 3DS/Wii U account
    Who doesn't love two assignments and a six-chapter quiz for Music due on the same day during the middle of spring break?
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I had a quiz in anthropology that was due on Tuesday, but no one did it (presumably because it was in the middle of break) so my teacher changed the due date to be next Tuesday.
    I finished the first half of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 9. I still need to finalize my thoughts but right now I'd say it certainly does a better job feeling like it has substance than Season 8's first half did.
    If you really liked the Pokémon Presents that's fine but it didn't really click for me at all, except maybe that there being a stop-motion Pokémon show is cool. Personally seeing Steven again was more interesting than 98% of anything else
    Going to Seed but every time somepony says "Great Seedling" it gets faster *video ends in two minutes*
    Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie but every time someone laughs it gets faster *video ends in 7 minutes*
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Legend of Everfree but every time Gloriosa says "I got this" it gets faster
    Sonic Unleashed but every time the Werehog appears it gets faster
    Just for the record 2012 was the most average year in my life for it kind of dragging without massive change until I got my first 3DS (though I really liked my 4th grade teacher) and between fiction being boring, having poorly executed morals, or writing previously likable characters as out of character, out of character problems aggravate me the most.
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    I was gonna say "wow I was such a little kid in 2012" but then i realised you're less than a year older than me and you joined this place when you were literally 10 wow

    the only things i really remember about 2012 are my first playthrough of super paper mario which was i think in the first half of the year more or less, the queen's diamond jubilee, the london olympic games (very british innit), moving house in about september, and the fact that whilst i was still technically attending the same school as before and had the same classmates, it was a different section of the school with a completely different set of buildings (which was also around september-october).
    I hope things get much better for Schaffrillas soon
    Don't you love when it's 3 AM and you have way more of a drive to accomplish things than anytime during the day?
    As a night owl, I can relate very well to having more of a drive to accomplish things when it's nighttime. Though due to my day job, I'm unable to accomplish things at 3 AM unless I'm very sleep deprived.
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