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  • I recommend watching multiple hour long essay videos on why games are good. I've found several of my favorite games by doing this.
    Fun Fact: There is a Doordash ad based around a Fortnite reference. In this ad a woman gets upset at her friend for lagging, after which he states "My batteries are toast." implying that the dead batteries are to blame. I do not need to explain that dead batteries will not make it look like you're teleporting in a game.

    Another Fun Fact: I would not have posted this if I have gotten this ad 30 TIMES TODAY ALONE!
    I hate ruffle.
    I hate it as well. Why use it when Flashpoint exists? Every time I try to load Ruffle on the Internet Archive, it either crashes or doesn't work properly (only loading the assets for titles and loading screens, but not the actual game.)

    It also is constantly up for maintenance, and doesn't work with any flash game written with version 3.0 of Action Script. Also, whenever I use it on an iPad, I can't play any game that has keyboard controls, and sometimes the tapping can be very finicky compared to using a mouse. Additionally, text rarely loads, making game instructions hard to figure out for new-comers.
    The worst part of YouTube is when something gets listed as for kids they don't recommend things related to it.
    my favorite brand of horror is "Big Bad Monster that could rip you in twain, but instead decides to study you and places traps and stuff"
    Is it better for a game to try to do new things and fail terribly or do nothing new and be mediocre?
    I don't know, but subjectively I'll always take the first.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Depends if the "fail terribly" means it's not fun to play, listen, there is no big creative works without passion and effort but unless the game is trying to make a statement with how it plays, a game that is not fun is just that, criticism of how it fail short isn't saying the people wasted their time but most people play games for enjoyment, a game that doesn't bring joy or enrichment has failed no matter how much it tries, the criticism is there to take in if one is to try again.
    The worst trope is when the show says "OH THIS TROPE IS BAD, THIS IS A BAD TROPE AND YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT!!!" then proceed to do THE EXACT SAME TROPE WITH NO VARIATIONS.
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    Reactions: Emo Furcorn
    Video games are also guilty of this "oh man this thing we have to do is so tedious" which yes developers, it is. How bout ya not put that in the game?
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    Yea that sucks too. In fact it's probably worse.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    "Character has to apologize for being mean just because they called out another character blatantly needing it" is my absolute least favorite
    Watch Puss in Boot: The Last Wish.
    This is not a recommendation. I am not asking.
    I'm ordering you to watch it.
    The worst part of twist villains is that they almost never get villain songs.
    Name one twist villain who is both good and has a great song. You can't.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Twist villains suck because they're pretty much two different characters and I think that's probably why they don't really get great songs for themselves since they have like half as development as regular villains throughout the movie.
    Paper Mario
    Paper Mario
    That depends. I think King Candy/Turbo is a great twist villain in Wreck-it Ralph. As long as you keep their true nature in mind when writing their character pre-reveal, it can be good.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    wreak it ralph isn't a musical.
    There is two schools for the "Power of Friendship" trope.
    1: Nuance. Play it carefully. This is just people being driven by their friends.
    I don't like Geeta's design. It gives off the worse vibes I've ever had the displeasure of feeling. I've played so many games you'd think could give off worse vibes. Amnesia, one of the scariest games I've ever played, still has more enjoyable vibes then Geeta from Pokémon. Her official artwork has three pinky joints, she is absurdly long too the point of going far past the uncanny valley.
    She is the definition of a failed vibe check, and the dread the amount of fanart that will expose me to her terrible vibes once again.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan

    This is not a human. This is a alien attempting to blend in.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    i unironically don't understand why everyone dislikes geeta
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    I am a man of vibes. If she gives me the incorrect vibes I will despise her, and as my post stated she has some ungodly vibes.
    Sticker Star has the worst battle system in the entirety of Mario RPGs.
    nooo actually it's the n64 paper mario :tumble:
    oh wait all mario rpgs, not just paper? Seven Swords
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Sticker Star has the worst battle system in the entirety of Mario RPGs.
    Wow thats an unpopular opinion
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    I don't care if it's popular. I'm trying to replay this game and it's pissing me off.
    EDIT: Minor Spelling Mistake.
    Nothing is sadder then when a indie franchise become popular with kids.
    Eirika's right. Kids are kids and most of them don't know any better, and while they can definitely be annoying, a truckload of adults can be douchebags when it comes to indie franchises as well. I'm pretty sure that the Undertale fans responsible for sending death threats to streamers for killing characters or feeding people cookies filled with needles for not agreeing with their ship are all grown adults, so kids are definitely not the only people who can make an indie franchise look bad.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    adults are the most toxic part of any fanbase
    You know how it is. The same thing happened to Super Mario RPG. So we have no choice but to deal with it.
    It okay to play as Mario in Mario Kart.
    It's not basic, no one does it.
    It's not bland, it's unlikely others will be Mario.
    It's not cringe, Mario is based.
    I don't play as Mario myself. I'm too busy being Dry Bones and Blue Yoshi, but Mario is still cool.
    Pro tip: If you hear voices just watch bad media. They didn't play to be in there, so make them suffer. WATCH THE LIVE ACTION AVATAR MOVIE 15 TIMES!
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