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  • Geeta is the second worse champion in Pokémon. Only beaten by Trace. Actually no, She is the worse. Trace had to make certain his Pokémon were weakened. Geeta's ace is a Toxic Spike setter, and she has a Gogoat.
    Most fanmade Dunsparce evolutions were bad. None of them were true to Dunsparce's nature as a dumb fat snake, instead making it a cool slim dragon or something of the like. Not only is Dudunsparce true to the origin of Dunsparce, but it also looks Remarkably similar to Dunsparce, which is based off of the Tsuchinoko.
    The Tsuchinoko is a fat snake.
    Truly a perfect evolution on every level. The name is perfect, the design is perfect, and it has the dumb fat snake energy.
    Dudunsparce is almost perfect to the origin of Dunsparce, I do think it should have gained the poison type because the Tsuchinoko was said to be venomous.
    But the fanmade evolutions were still gorgeous, I still think that an elegant dragon would be fun as a branching/regional evolution.
    I am about to watch a 7 hour long weapon guide for Splatoon 2. It is 4 in the morning and I have yet to sleep.
    The Power of Friendship has two forms.
    1: I'm fighting for my friends, so I can't fail.
    2: I am going to beat you with the friendstick.
    "The Big 3" Title is reserved for the three biggest things in a group. They must be close to each other in renown.
    Example: Dragon Ball, Naruto, and One Piece are often cited as the big three of manga. Dragon Ball is obvious, One Piece is one of the longest manga of all time, and Naruto is able to keep up.
    Video Games are in a odd spot. Their big three is Mario, Sonic, and Crash Bandicoot/Pac-Man/Legend of Zelda/Kirby/Halo/COD/Ect.
    actually, the Big Three of shonen back in the day was considered to be One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach - three major shonen series that started at about the same time and all were immensely popular at the same heyday
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    I think it's safe to say Dragon Ball replaced one of them.
    Character Tea is quite cool in Deltarune. Since Kris is a separate character from the player, this is one of the few ways we can see their thoughts.
    They quite like Susie healing 120 hp. Makes sense, they did move on their own to help her. In fact they have the highest possible healing number besides Noelle with Susie tea. Susie also has 120
    They were once close with Noelle, but they're not that close anymore. Hence why they get 70 points. Noelle mirrors this fact.
    Ralsei is the odd one out. Ralsei recovers 120 hp from Kris tea. Makes sense, Ralsei clearly enjoys their company. However Kris only get 60 hp back. This is 10 more then Noelle/Ralsei drinking Ralsei/Noelle tea, and they don't know each other. They do consider them better then a stranger at least.
    Kris gains 10 hp from their tea. 40 in battle. Everyone has the same numbers with their tea.
    I do not like Quaxly's final form.
    Why not? I personally love the dancing ducky and would love to hear your opinions.
    (Also I don't mind the Pokemon that are 'too human' so yeah)
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    they give me the incorrect vibes.
    Still sassy and smug to me, so I'm content
    Scarlet and Violet lacks level scaling. That is the worst mistake in Pokémon games.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Polterpup
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Me thinks them lacking every Pokémon being transportable from Gen VII is worse
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    An open world game that doesn't scale the bosses you're meant to fight in any order is a game design choice that ruins the point of open world, which is one of the main selling points in SV. It's like a fighter, but without balance. A platformer with bad movement. It's a choice that makes invalidates the very essence of open world games.

    Sun and Moon lacking NatDex is bad, but it doesn't invalidate the main point of Alola. Sun and Moon is still a valid attempt at base Pokémon formula.
    If fact I was wrong. "Might" is a poor word choice. This is objectively the worse mistake in a main series Pokémon game, if not the entire Franchise.
    I agree that level scaling is important, but I still had fun getting to go wherever I wanted without being blocked off. Plus it was funny to do the low-level gyms later on and wipe the floor with them
    Megaman Maker is fun. It's like Mario Maker. You can play as Megaman, Bass, Protoman, and Roll. It's got a wide variety of bosses, and example levels built in.
    Megaman powered up had some cool ideas. Banter before the boss fights, adding extra robot masters, playing as robot masters, and challenge levels. I could get used to the voices, and the art style too. Most of the issues I don't like are minor, like Megaman's name not being Rock, or Oilman looking stupid.
    However, just one issue I can't ignore. Why does Roll have a crush on her brother?
    Uno attack seems stupid on every level.
    Meta Knight
    Meta Knight
    It actually looked pretty fun based on a stream that I saw, the button gives a random number of cards so it's a nice balance between the "draw until you can play a card" and "draw a single card", while still having that chaotic energy. Sometimes the button might not spit out a card at all, so if someone played a draw 2, you could end up pushing the button twice and not have to draw anything. Of course, the more times it goes without ejecting any cards, the more likely it'll spit out a lot. If you already have uno it's probably not worth it, and the special editions of uno are more artistically appealing than uno attack, but on a gameplay level there's a bit of extra layers that make it interesting. But hey, everyone's got their own opinion and if you don't like it then that's okay
    It's always funny when it spits like 20 cards at the person who was winning.
    Also there is a version where the machine is designed like the Jurassic Park design of the Dilophosaurus, so it spits cards at you.
    I'm not big on Uno in general, but Uno Attack is kinda funny
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