G Major Steven Stone

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  • Considering it's nearing the end of this year, I'd say the first three years of this decade have been pretty good for me so far (certainly better than 2017-2019). I've done some good work in my personal life including picking up trash, and my petsitting and bus boy jobs, and some good work on the community including pushing for more creator say in images for the front page poll, voicing my thoughts on FA nominations, and making minor edits on pages. Only gonna go up from here.
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    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I don't consider pushing for "more creator say in the poll images" as a positive.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I mean giving poll creators many attempts to select an appropriate image, not automatically accepting any image creators want
    Mafillis the Dark said:
    Not gonna play Farewell, My Turnabout for some time, but I'll tell you what the real best part of it will be: NO BEN
    Noooo he IS in the case (concededly in its credits) ☠

    Anyhow I'm really looking forward to Trials and Tribulations as I'm really interested in four out of five of the game's cases (though to be fair, the one I'm not quite as interested in is the one I've already heard most people see as its worst case, though I'm sure seeing Maggey return will be cool)
    I rewatched my Top 5 of MLP Season 8 yesterday, to determine which episode in it was best. My favorite episode of Season 8 is… a shocking upset for The Hearth's Warming Club! I felt more positively towards a majority of the stories, especially the ones I already liked, upon rewatch, but I found more redeeming value even in the two weaker ones.

    A lot of why it's my favorite episode of the season though has to do with personal reasons, namely finding out
    why Gallus did it
    but I plan to give more detailed thoughts on the episode especially that section bringing it to #1 later on.
    Danny in Memory Blank be like: "I don't like Sam. I'm blood-coursing and rough to watch and irritating, and my OOC meanness is everywhere."
    Would you rather be hypnotized into buying a costly NFT, or not be able to watch any YouTube videos not related to Hotel Mario for 15 years
    Nitros Oxide
    Nitros Oxide
    The latter, since at least I can somewhat tolerate Hotel Mario. I would never buy an NFT.
    I finished Season 8 of Friendship is Magic a minute or two ago. Definitely my least favorite season of it so far.
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    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    My least favorite is A Matter of Principals, but each of my Top 5 of Season 8 shine in different ways, so I'll probably rewatch all of them to get a definite order. I'm gonna take a decently long break before starting on Season 9 though.
    Nitros Oxide
    Nitros Oxide
    I just finished watching Season 8. The finale was just ok. I never watched Tirac's debut episodes, so I wasn't too familiar with him, but it was shocking to learn that he and Cozy had become pen pals with each-other behind the scenes. I was also happy that Neighsay finally accepted the school into the EEA after learning his lesson from the Young Six. But other than that, this finale and the season overall was quite lackluster for me. There were some good episodes, but only a few that were anything past that score. My least favorite episode is probably Non-Complete Clause, and my favorite is a tie between What Lies Beneath and Sounds of Silence.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    What Lies Beneath and Sounds of Silence are two of the episodes in my Top 5 (And I watched both of them during the same day, yay!) but I personally see A Matter of Principals as worse than Non-Compete Clause because episodes with out of character problems tend to really have my dislike for them amplified when it's my favorite character of the show hit with the OOC problems, especially since
    that you're supposed to see it as wrong that Starlight is so harsh towards Discord is idiotic because some of Discord's pranks cross the line from just being a normal level troll and hit mortally dangerous levels
    But while I wouldn't say I'm massive on Season 8, the good news is that each of the first seven seasons of the show I felt at least some levels of net positivity towards, it's just this one that's really mediocre. Out of the two cartoon seasons I've watched that I didn't like, I'd still say it's better than Book 2 of The Legend of Korra because I at least liked some of its episodes, whereas with Korra Book 2 I disliked every episode except Beginnings.
    *Looks like wanting to be Yoshi used for one extra jump in Super Mario World*
    "Growing up, man I spent hours of my life, stomping... koopas"
    *Continues looking like wanting what happens when you actually stomp on a Koopa in Mario Bros.*
    "in the original Mario Brothers arcade game"
    Mako: My two ex-girlfriends are dating each other.
    Zuko: Good, you were disloyal.
    Mako: …I'd rather you just say, "That's rough, buddy," actually
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