Mario Fan
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  • If I change my title and pfp none of you would know what I'm a fan of.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    one day, my name will change again. I do not know when, and I do not know to what, but it will happen.
    Man I just tried to watch the Spongebob spin-off Kamp Koral, and it is bad. I don't even need to justify this, it's just Spongebob Babies. Who has ever liked a aged down spin-off. Like name one good version of that trope, just one. Tiny Toons doesn't count. it's a new cast.
    I'm trying to find cool pokemon fanart, and I saw Pokemon was trending on Twitter, so I check for cool fanart.
    It was ninety percent random women in revealing outfits that had nothing to do with pokemon. I hate Twitter.
    Anyone wanna try writing the entire lyrics of Hedgehog Stew in some random persons comments?
    that would be spamming

    do not
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    Can I do it in my own comments?
    How to counter people who act like every argument against them is an insult. Make every argument against them an insult. They expect their opponents to respect them, so don't.
    I hate Dear Future Husband by Megan Trainer. This a trend that continues as I hate most of her songs.
    Me too, I find most of her other songs ok, but All About The Bass is so annoying and is also overplayed on most radio stations. I'm so sick of it, and I wish they didn't play it as much as they do.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    You are based. I shall follow you.
    Sonic wouldn't exist without Mario, as Sonic was made to be a cooler character then Mario.
    • Thinking
    Reactions: Bugzzy
    Sonic was a cooler character
    Then Mario

    What is it with these damn coolers that people want to design characters around

    Let that cooler sink in
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    I decided to make a lame joke centered around the "then" grammar error
    Cthulhu Saves the World: Super Hyper Enhanced Championship Edition Alpha Diamond DX Plus Alpha FES HD – Premium Enhanced Game of the Year Collector's Edition (without Avatars!)
    Had a cool idea for a character, but it's not Mario related so I'm posting it here.
    Name: Null.
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: A humanoid with gleaming silver eyes, holding a large sack full of random objects. All of Null's other features are hidden by the shadows he inhabits.
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
    Location: Null can be found in any area with ample shade. Simply place a note requesting to trade in a dark place and he'll show up.
    Weaknesses: Null has not been seen out of the shadows, and appears to vanish when in light. He also shows a strong aversion to fire and lightning.
    Strengths: Null can appear in any place with ample shade, and appears to be invincible. It can also be assumed he has slightly superhuman strength due to the size of the sack.
    Relations: Due to his aversion to light Null does not have allies, nor does he possess enemies. He is open to trading with mostly anyone who has objects.
    • Null's eyes shift to gold when he is happy, and shifts to bronze when he is annoyed.
    • Despite his menacing appearance Null quite enjoys trading, and is always in a good mood when doing so, even if it takes a long time.
    • Likewise he is easily annoyed by people not wanting to trade. After all you summon him by asking to trade.
    • Null does not steal. All of his items comes from objects he picked up in dark places.
    • Null does not accept gifts either, and will simply "gift" you an item after.
    • Null does not know what money is, and thus all his prices are another item.
    • Attacking Null does seem to annoy him, and he will simply ignore it.
    • Despite him vanishing when light, fire, or lightning is nearby. He will not stop showing up if you attack him with those, and will act as if it never happened when summoned again.
    • Null is extremely annoyed by people referring to him as edgy, and will leave immediately when called so. He will also never appear for you again after.
    • He will accept any apologies. In order to apologize seemly put a note saying sorry in a dark place, afterwards he will trade again.
    • Null's name means having no legal or binding force and being invalid to the point on hand. This is why he doesn't accept gifts and is annoyed by people not wanting to trade.
    The Kirby fandom might become cursed, but the Dedede fans shall not do the same.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    I just learned anime Dedede and game Dedede are not the same entry on pixiv.
    Game Dedede is "King Dedede the Great" while anime Dedede is "His Majesty King Dedede".
    This is extra proof that the Dedede fandom is indeed based.
    Fun fact: I didn't wear a mask while hanging out with my friend during 2020.
    This is due to the fact that I lack friends, and have a general distaste for most humans.
    Please wear a mask.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    The joke was that I didn't go out.
    I wore a mask in public.

    This game can be interesting, but the person who made this CLEARLY didn't think this through.
    So the gimmick is that this is fighting characters, so that means Kirby is smash bros Kirby, and even if he wasn't Kirby being a couple inches tall was debunked as early as Dreamland 3.
    1. Let's just call out a couple of the bad placements. Lucina is placed above Link. Link is a master of spears, swords, axes, big hitting sticks, and archery. Link can freeze his enemies for a short amount of time, levitate metal objects, summon infinite bombs, and has arrows which will one shot you or do massive damage. Lucina is not as strong as Link, and she is certainly not strong then him.
    2. Kirby at smash scale could solo everyone here. I remind Kirby's game over is him going to sleep, thus Kirby's lifebar isn't his health, it's how much he'll take before taking a nap. Kirby could just eat half the people here, or at least eat their projectiles or weapons. This character who could solo everyone here, isn't the highest valued. CHUN-LI WOULD NOT DEFEAT KIRBY.
    3. Speaking of Chun-li. Why is she at 5. She's strong, but what makes her so much stronger then Cammy, Link, or Kirby? What makes anyone believe Chun-li is on the same level as Nightmare. Chun-li is at best 2 pounds, and at worse she is 1 pound.
    4. Dan, who is a joke in his on series, is place higher than Cammy who is from the same series and is not a joke.
    In order to win this you only need one character and assuming if they let you pick multiple of the same character, then this is either Kirby plus some extras, or three Kirbys and extras.
    The point of this is to balance the stronger fighters with the higher money, and I only covered a couple of the problems. I am certain a couple of these people are even worse than Link's placement.

    Also I don't need to explain this, but don't seek out and bully the creator. This was a joke.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    i love how all of these fighters are anime based humans but then kirby is just there
    Can someone post a video of Speed up gba fire emblem gameplay with the caption GENOCIDE.
    I am making a new religion.
    It will have a code of ethics based of what I believe are the most important parts of being a good person. All I need is to create the rules, make up some person to worship, and name it. Feel free to join me in my quest.
    I will give you a preview of the rules with rule number 1.
    Rule 1: Don't murder people.
    Mario Fan
    Mario Fan
    in fact, cut the religion. This is just gonna be a guide to being a good person.
    The Gravity Falls fandom i still at the top of their game. The second the creator posted something, someone noticed the audio was weird and found an audio image of Bill.
    This is why Gravity Falls is the best Disney show.
    You have trouble writing good female characters? Here's a guide for you.
    Step 1: Make a design
    Step 2: Add the powers or skills
    Step 3: Now add flaws to balance those skills out, for example "I can create any weapon, but I don't know how to wield them".
    Step 4: Make a personality, and remember their powers should help shape their powers. For a great example My Hero Academia. Deku lacked powers, so he's a bit of a wimp, and Bakugou got stupidly good powers, so he's cocky, Or for a even better example, Kirishima has a simple power, so he is overly manly, and mind set when favors strength and determination over adaptability and strategy, a great mindset for such a quirk. And please, remember to add flaws.
    Step 5: now you made a character, with everything tied together in a nice bow, all you need to do is design the world they live in, but check "Is the character female, and would you think them a good character if male?" If you can say yes to both, then congrats, you just beat ninety percent of hollywood.

    This has been mario fan. and to summarize, just write a good character lmao.
    I want the weed cat to have a puss in boots inspired design, with like a tree sword. I don't care if it's bipedal or not, I just want the cat to have a sword.
    Pokemon catching tutoriels suck, the never even lower them to red health.
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