Pink Cat
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  • No joke, would genuinely love an Ace Attorney x Columbia crossover game, only downside is no Peter Falk

    That was my profile pic on Youtube for a while. Apparently that's enough for me to look at your threads and think "are those my threads?"
    Pink Cat
    It's such a shame she never got a Mii costume. Her ShiftyLook design is pretty easy to recreate as a Mii.
    Everyone is here(Except Wrinkly and Swanky)
    Daniel Dyce
    Daniel Dyce
    Poor poor Swanky.
    yea diddy is the only kong with a tail at all
    something i forgot has claimed dixie has one that ended up on her head becuase of "wacky evolution" but first of all itd have to be a mutation not evolution and second of all its not viable anyway and is just ridiculous i just like to think of her as having ridiculous prehensile hair
    ALSO. ALSO. Regarding the image. look at lankys arms
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    If that was true, does that mean Tiny has two tails on her head?
    You want to know the real reason Wario took over Mario Land? He wanted all that Carrot Gold!
    The only downside to me for the Arcade Archives release of The Legend Of Valkyrie is that it has Namco's boring new logo
    Fun fact: While it appeared in other media, the original Scooby Doo Where Are You theme song hasn't been used as a theme song for another show till at the moment, the latest series.
    In fact, classic Scooby Doo shows used the "Scooby Dooby Doo, Looking For You" part of the New Scooby Movies theme in near all of them
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Though with the popularity of the What's New Scooby Doo theme song, I could see that returning
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    Reactions: zel
    Galaxy Book Sunshine
    Galaxy Book Sunshine
    What weapon should I use? sudo rm -rf / --no-prserve-root?
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat

    (I was actually looking for a picture of a giant penguin attacking a city with lasers but I couldn't find it)
    A YouTube ad just tried to claim Will Smith is dead, Google will take anyone's money I guess
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Still better than the PragerU ads I was getting for a few days, before they were presumably mass reported out of existence.
    This is why I use UBlock, so I don't have to deal with crap like this.
    Why are you trapped in the bathroom?
    I think a better question is, "Why aren't you?"
    You didn't let that sink in, so now that sink won't let you in.
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    Reactions: Mags
    Valkyrie no Densetsu is the next Namco Arcade Archives, yes!
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    I just wish Namco would make a new game already, the closet is a barely accessable remake with Xiaomu for PXZ2 promotion in Japan
    Some say mice live in holes in your walls, other say they live in the sewer, both are wrong, they live in their sweet mousepads
    Oh, Ken Penders, you scamp
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Dude really thinks he's going to win a case against the company mainly responsible for YouTube Copyright being so strict
    I live in your walls but that's okay because I'm a Fraggle and I'm supposed to be there, you silly creatures
    With all the common phrases and things from Pop Culture to put the word "Ed" into, we have an infinite amount of Ed Edd N Eddy episode titles
    My popularity tourney for various anime series will be held on the 15th of this month, you can nominate any anime series except outright hentai, if you do say a name of a hentai, I will not laugh
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    Reactions: Vivian
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    It's for the series itself, not the characters in it btw
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    Reactions: Vivian
    curious :3
    Something interesting I noticed that in the first episode of the Super Show compared to the rest of the show is that unlike the others in Bowser/Wart's army, the Birdos in the episode are not evil.
    They do cause part of the problem but that is a result of one being over bearing and the other being a baby
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