Natalie J.
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  • I woke up to 42 retweets and 222 likes which is definitely more of a hit tweet than I've had all year so I consider it a win.
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    Being constantly super excited that people care about something you posted on Twitter can start to lead to worsened mental health and other negative effects on your life though
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm more just annoyed that I keep getting notifications I have to clear. I'm one of those people who gets irrationally upset when people have a ton of notifications on the top bar so it bothers me when I keep getting them.
    I get that me and my dad's real life friend is just as into 80s music as I am but I didn't expect him to show up replying to me when I was replying to FTG of all people.
    I'm so fucking desperate for some physical interaction with someone my age. All I want right now is to spend a day with someone who isn't more than ten years older than me that would play Mario Party with me and let me cuddle with them.
    You gotta love it. My mom throws insults at literally everyone else but then gets upset at me for jokingly calling her a jerk.
    God, that story I wrote yesterday is easily one of my proudest works and I wish you could all read it right now. I'm not usually super proud of the things I write but even I think I did a good job.
    I had a fun dream where I was pretending to work at Walmart and trying not to be caught as a faker.
    Coffee cake muffins, a long story written, and no mom. I'm feeling okay today.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Never mind. I hate to sound ungrateful but I got some presents from my mom and they're all based on a game I don't like.
    So yeah, that story ended up being 2200 words. Definitely thinking it would be too long for the Shroom but even if it is, I still want to share it.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I definitely don't think I could break it up, I would have had to write it with that intention in order to put in breaking points. I'll shoot you an application and if you like it, I'm very flexible.
    Looking at my own section "The Odyssey of a Squid", my longest one was 1800 words, which is not far away from yours. So no, I don't think you should worry about it being too long, and we don't have a strict minimum or maximum length for section actually. To quote our Manual of Style, a key element to a good section is making it long enough to fully develop and complete your ideas and not much longer than that.

    If is ever too long, we'll just request you to divide it into several parts. There is always a way to strike a good balance. 👍
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Whatever you end up thinking of it, you have an application in your inbox and I hope you like it because I know I do. I was really proud of it when I finished writing it.
    Maybe 1000+ words is a bit much for a single story in the Shroom but I'm still having a lot of fun writing it.
    • Like
    Reactions: Monokuma11037
    The entirety of World of Plight up to this point is almost 20,000 words so I think you're good. (This is not counting anything written that hasn't been published, and that pushes it from around 18,000 to about 24,000.)
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    This is one single story though. Isn't World of Plight broken up into a bunch of different parts?
    Yep. It's been running for almost two years now.
    Apparently my mom has such a big ego that I can't even get annoyed at her without her talking down to me.
    Billy Joel really just wrote a list of things and turned it into a really good number one song.
    Today is one of those days where all I want is someone to cuddle with. It's cold, I'm depressed, and I'm really fucking desperate to physically be with someone my own age.

    E: I thought it might be important to mention, the last time I actually got to spend time with someone who isn't at least 20 years older than me was almost three months ago, and I've only gotten to about four or five times at all this year.
    I rescind my statement about Abandon Ship. Baby Bowser's Shell Shocked is the worst minigame in the history of minigames.
    Abandon Ship from Mario Party 2 is complete ass, holy fuck. It's so bad and bullshit, especially against all CPUs.
    I can't believe I'm going to get to be with my boyfriend for good within the next year. I've wanted it for so long and it's finally happening.
    I wanted to play on my N64 but I plugged in the AV cables (which are the slots on my TV are usually taken up by my Wii) and my TV isn't even letting me go to the AV input. It could be the cartridge slot. I'm pretty sure it's not my TV because I know I've gotten it to work on this TV before.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    You have an n64? Yo I'm so jealous.
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Yeah, I got it maybe seven or eight years ago. I don't use it much but it's still fun to have.
    How the hell do you Shroom writers, especially the ones in Palette Swap that write monthly fiction, come up with good ideas? Do you have like 500 ideas that you reject or is that just my pedantic, future-professional-writer nature?
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I would forward you both to my DeviantArt but A, my dead name is on there and I prefer not to let people know that and B, my DA is mostly, if not all, fetish works and I'm pretty sure that's not the market you would want. I could also send you one of my writing assignments but I'm not sure which one I would send. I want to write something anyway so I'll probably try to think of something and send it over; I would send it to Ninja Squid, right?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Correct on multiple fronts, there. Yeah, we couldn't accept fetish work, so that is indeed a no-go. You could send us some of your other writing assignments if you wanted, but, honestly, I think it'd be more interesting to see something fresh first.

    On your other point/question: Yes, when you do write something up, you send it right on to NS! Send the demo, tell us you want it for PS and if you want it to be monthly/bi-monthly/volunteer-based or want to work out some other schedule, and agree that, if you misbehave in the community and get slapped for it, we can remove you. That's a complete application!
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I always wondered why it was the stats manager and not anyone else like the director but that's the problem of the Shroom, not me. But thank you two for the help, and hopefully you'll see an application from me soon.
    Making the final boss minigames in Mario Party 9 basically luck minigames certainly was a choice.
    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    yeah, as much as i like mario party 9 i admit that some minigames being just luck was a bad decision, and bowser jr.'s breakdown was literally luck of the dice
    mario party 10 does have a very good final boss minigame though
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    Even the final Bowser, while a lot less luck based and shitty than Bowser Jr. Breakdown, boils down to just throwing a bunch of dice and hoping for the best.
    I'm surprisingly confident enough to bring my Luigi plush with me to the doctor's office since I've been anxious today.
    My Snifberg avatar was off center and it was bothering me irrationally so I'm going with something to fit in with my identity.
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Beware of Waddle Dees and hammers
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