THE Scribble Smorgasbord


how about a rousing game of pool

It's been a whole year since the last proper Scribble tournament, and while that doesn't feel true, I'm here to bring YOU number four. No more crazy stuff, back to brass tacks


  • Artists of all calibers and skill levels are invited to compete and make something fun
  • Player's art is set up in 1v1 matches to see who can score more votes
  • Everyone uses a restrictive and simplistic art style to help even the playing field
  • The win/loss score of each player will be kept track of and used to determine opponents in each round of the tournament. This will help people face off against others at a similar skill level
  • Players will be given a random prompt to use for their piece, and will have three hours maximum to submit their finished work
  • Players may use digital or physical medium to submit

  • Time limit is changing to THREE hours instead of FOUR, based on feedback TPG collected. The votes were close but I think it'll be worth a try
  • I've had the mods of the Awards server create a dedicated thread for us to try and consolidate discussion of the tournament. You won't be forced to talk only in there of course, but I found that a lot of praise for people's drawings didn't appear make it somewhere where they could read, so I'm hoping this helps
  • There's five rounds again, but stay tuned for some kind of """optional surprise""" after round five


    • Each round will be about a week, barring any schedule issues on my end. There will be 5 days in which to receive a prompt and submit a piece, with the other 2 days of week being dedicated to me compiling everything, providing any replacement art if necessary, and opening the polls for voters.
    • The exact days of the week will be
      • Saturday - Wednesday : Draw phase
      • Thursday : Vote phase
      • Friday : Results phase (THESE MIGHT BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT THIS TIME)
    • To make this a little different, I'm going to completely manually control the brackets, while using the same rules Challonge would. This is so that I can pair people together who have not met each other before in any tournament yet. People will still be pitted against someone with the same win-loss rate as always, and I'll be bringing back the TB system. (If someone in a score grouping has beaten someone else in the same grouping previously, they will be considered placing higher than the others in that group)
    • Incase of player noshows or forfeits, I will do what I can to provide a replacement art piece to fill in the bracket
    • This will go on for five rounds

    • Once the bracket is up, players will be presented with an overall THEME that will dictate what the PROMPTS will be related to. At this point, you can head into the Mariowiki Awards Discord Server, and use the Uncle Awards bot to receive your prompt.
    • If you are not in the server, we can send you an invite
    • If you cannot use Discord, I will manually give you your prompts via forum private message. This will be less convenient as I may not be available at all hours, but it is an option.
    • The two commands of note are /scribble prompt and /scribble info, both of which will be reminded to you as soon as you hit "/" in the server

    • You are allowed to draw using a digital art program (such as Krita, GIMP, or even MS Paint) or a physical medium (paper and markers ideally)
    • You may only use three colors total in your piece: Black (#000000), White (#FFFFFF), and a third personal color. This is freely chosen by you when you sign up
      • This means that digital artists should not use any kind of anti-aliasing. In most cases, this simply means using a Pencil tool rather than a Brush tool, but this may require tinkering with the settings of your program a little bit. Be careful when erasing as well
        • Screenshot 2024-08-03 211300.png
      • Image transparency would be considered a separate color from the allowable three and is not allowed
      • Since marker strength will naturally fluctuate over time and may appear to be a lighter shade of a color, there will be some leniency for physical artists in this regard
      • While white paper is likely the easiest thing to obtain and use, if you have black or color paper that matches your personal color, this CAN be permissible. However, you will need to ensure all colors render properly on it. If they cannot then it will not be acceptable
    • Ensure your final drawing is a .png file if drawing digitally
    • The canvas must be 600x600 pixels when drawing digitally, or 10cm x 10cm when drawing physically
    • Your drawing can contain a text title that will be displayed alongside it. This can be used to summarize, be a joke, or provide some context for the piece. Give it to me with your final submission and I'll include it. Try not to make it too long though, or I'm going to make the font very small to compensate
  • Abusing these rules can lead to disqualification for the round. If unsure about anything, feel free ask to ask me or another experienced player for any clarifications
  • We want to try and keep the competition as fair as it can be between digital and physical art, and also keep true as we can to the idea of "scribbling". Digital artists are strongly encouraged to not use automated tasks to help them create, and to limit themselves only to what they can do with their pen:
  • T
    Screenshot 2024-08-03 211242.png
    ools to help draw straight lines or regular shapes are allowed, because tools like rulers and compasses are available to physical artists. However, limit their usage and opt to free-hand such things when possible (tracing over a shape can be a handy trick to get needed precision but a nice natural line)
  • Cro
    Screenshot 2024-08-03 211249.png
    ss-hatching or other such patterns to create increased color variety are allowed, but you are not allowed to automate the process by computational means. Every brush stroke or pixel used has to be placed by hand
  • Any text in the image must be hand written
    Screenshot 2024-08-03 211254.png
  • Copy and paste is not allowed
    Screenshot 2024-08-03 211309.png
  • C
    Screenshot 2024-08-03 211320.png
    ondensing 3D objects or effects into 2D graphics is not allowed
  • Condensing a large color count into fewer colors (posterization) is not allowed
  • Tracing another image is not allowed
  • Digital image layers ARE allowed
  • Be mindful of the available time. There's a three hour period to make your drawing when you have the prompt. You can take as little or as much of this time as you want, but if nothing is submitted within the three hours, you will forfeit the round.
    • You can submit your piece as many times as you want. For instance, if you submit your drawing and spot a mistake you want to fix, you are free to do so as long as the timer still permits. When collecting drawings I will use the last one submitted.
    • Once the final three hours of the 5 day window to draw are reached, any unstarted timers will begin automatically. Don't assume you can wait until the last minute and still have the full time.


    • All players are expected to vote for all rounds. Anyone spectating the tournament is encouraged to participate in this as well
    • There is now a thread in the Awards server where you can discuss what you liked in player's submissions

    • You will be given the theme of the round freely during the five day draw period. You can use this to try and prepare for what your specific theme will be before you're ready to draw.
    • There's a multitude of factors that can go into making a great Scribble, and upsets against artists that you might consider better can often occur. Things like strong image composition, good color usage, some humor or a creative interpretation of the prompt can all go a very long way against someone who is more technically practised.
    • Your interpretation of the prompt doesn't have to relate to Mario at all if you don't want it to
    • Be careful about making references to niche things not everyone will understand however, most people don't vote for something they don't understand
    • Sometimes less is more
    • If your results aren't going as well as you hoped, just try to remember that it's all for fun. This is a great place to improve your skills, and many others are likely improving alongside you.
    • Sometimes it's better to start earlier rather than to put it off. But I'm not your dad

    Make a post in the thread with the following:

    *Some kind of job, profession or activity that puts someone into some kind of uniform or outfit
    *Name of your color
    *Hex code of your color (#12AB34)
    *If you don't know how to do this, post a picture of it and I can figure it out

    This is probably going to get capped to 32 people to ensure a nice, even bracket. I'll take on more as backup players if necessary

    As for start time, I'm waiting until Awards are done, so Saturday August 17th is probably when it'll be

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14. BBQ1 - 0
14. Dodo1 - 0
14. Gabumon1 - 0
14. GBA1 - 0
14. Hearts1 - 0
14. Kright1 - 0
14. MCD1 - 0
14. Ryan1 - 0
14. TPG1 - 0
14. Turb1 - 0
14. WT1 - 0
14. Winstein1 - 0
14. Wogl1 - 0
14. Wyvy1 - 0
29. Fanta0 - 1
29. FTG0 - 1
29. Flotzo0 - 1
29. Flygon0 - 1
29. FWD0 - 1
29. Koops0 - 1
29. LTQ0 - 1
29. Nine0 - 1
29. Pitohui0 - 1
29. Rose0 - 1
29. Smasher0 - 1
29. Snack0 - 1
29. Steamlined0 - 1
29. Uniju 0 - 1
29. YTSSM0 - 1
30. new guy0 - 0

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hot dog salesman (like theguy from ttyd)
blood orange
uhhhhhh put me in idk my color yet or my job but i will post to update tomorrow when I'm not in bed

maybe i'll even draw a guy
Petal Pink (#FFB0DF)
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Lime Green
once again i will subject myself to 5 weeks of self inflicted anxiety for the bit

details later
colour tbd
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Professional Wrestler
#00581A (camarone)
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"Hello, again. I am Villager the Coast (Conductor Observing Astronomical Space Train). The job should be obvious, but it is the C in Coast. Also, my color is once again Celestial Blue 4997D0 or 73r 151g 208b."
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Gimme uh
Going to IHOP at Three in the Morning but the Food Isn't Really as Good as It Used to Be So You Just Feel Kind of Silly Sitting There in the Dark with a Blueberry Pancake You Don't Even like That Much (#466a8a)

I will not accept anything less than the full name for this color, sorry for any inconvenience this causes

Backup dancer for Danganronpa The Stage (monokuma onesie)


Masterful Maroon
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Gimme uh
Going to IHOP at Three in the Morning but the Food Isn't Really as Good as It Used to Be So You Just Feel Kind of Silly Sitting There in the Dark with a Blueberry Pancake You Don't Even like That Much (#466a8a)

I will not accept anything less than the full name for this color, sorry for any inconvenience this causes
Okay scratch this because I had a better idea after noticing the profession thing and I feel kind of bad for making you fit in this super long color name

I'll take the color Pink (#FE5BAC) and the profession of Hooters waiter
Can I sign up please?
BBQ Turtle, jeweller (Like the heavy apron, fancy magnifier glass goggles type), Highlighter Yellow, #E5FF00