Fire Emblem Heroes


Polly Geist
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

So it seems the game should be up on Itunes for you Aus/Eu folks.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

well i got it but it keeps giving me a communication error :(
i'll try it a bit later and hope it'll work
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

Aqua said:
well i got it but it keeps giving me a communication error :(
i'll try it a bit later and hope it'll work

smash that retry button (i think)
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

this is the correct advice

your mileage may vary
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

NA doesn't have it yet. RIP
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

I got 5 stars Takumi on my first summon, I am lucky I guess.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

So far I've got Florina, Olivia, male Robin, and somehow 2 Matthews.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

not counting characters i got from the story, right now i have stahl (4*), odin (4*), azama (4*), saizo (3*), florina (3*), and tiki (3*)
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

I've got Caeda (4), Robin (3), Cherche (3), a bald man (4) and some other ones that don't matter.
Re: Fire Emblem Heroes - Choose Your Legends Event

why is it auto-skipping the cutscenes
I actually grinded bald man up to the others and having a healer is pretty damn helpful. It's like a cover-all for any defense/resistance issues in my team.

I went and did Chapter 1 and 2 on Hard because I wanted to try the hard version of the special mission without getting curb stomped but now normal Chapter 3 is giving me no experience woops.

I ran out of stamina lol.
I started playing today, and I have Corrin (3), Olivia (4), Clarine (4), Nowi (4), and Batre (4).
my id is 5602641625

I beat the main story on normal, the final mission wasn't terribly hard compared to some of the other chapter 9 missions. I used Wrys (4), Takumi (5), Caeda (4), Robin (3). Takumi was at Lv28, the others at Lv25.

Playing missions gets expensive later on. It's gonna be a slog to get through all of them on hard.
So getting feathers for a 4->5 star upgrade doesn't seem to be too impossible, just takes a while. If you do well enough in the arena you can get 4,000~ish a week. You get rewards based on your offense, defense and overall rank. Also you can get a few feathers for clicking on units on the home screen that have hearts on them.

Maxing out offense (3,000+ points / 1,600 Feathers) can be done just by getting a 7 streak of advanced wins, you might need at least one of the bonus characters though since I had one and got a little more than 3,500 as my total score. I did it with intermediate wins and only got 2,800 with two bonus characters. I used some dueling replenishing items because I was curious about how much more score I got for doing advanced.

Maxing out defense is just luck, probably. Luck and a team that AI won't screw up. In which case, probably don't use a healer because the AI will attack with them as if their main purpose is to be on the frontlines and players can honestly just fuck them up hard. I had one successful defense which got me 200 points and will give me 400 Feathers. It only shows your successes I guess, I've gotten a dozen or so random friend requests that I can only assume are from people who beat my team in the arena.

Rank is based on both I guess? I assume using four season bonus characters will add a lot to your score because I'm ranked 4,100~ and I don't really know how else I would increase my score. As long as I don't get bumped down a score tier I get 2,500 Feathers for being in this range.

I swapped out Robin(3) for a Corrin(4) I pulled since she basically fulfills the same role except but with significantly better attack and defense.
I did another round of summon and I got 5 stars Takumi again. I want to fuse both of them but I wonder, if I teach an ability to one of them, will the fused hero still have that ability?