I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E525 running Windows 8 Pro.
Love this computer alot, although it's not very good at running games. It does have a really nice keyboard though, which is what you'd expect from a Thinkpad.
I completley forgot I had a account here. Anyway, I'm back, and all my old posts can be ignored due to me being rather whiny back then.
And no, I actually like the Galaxy games now. I replayed them about a year ago and enjoyed them a lot.
I disagree. I though that Sunshine's gimmick wasn't implemented well and the entire game felt like it was missing something. It also kinda felt 'lame' in a way, with the laughable fight with Bowser at the end and the shocking voice acting.
Rapid Spin is actually a pretty good move in competitive battling.
I'd say a stupid thing I did as a noob was comparing Galaxy 1 (I still don't like it to this day) to Data Design Interactive.
tl;dr All of the Mario games since Sunshine with a few exceptions.
Sunshie was terrible. Super Mario Galaxy was poor. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was decent. New Super Mario Bros. was hard but easy (don't tell me how that works). New Super Mario Bros. Wii was too hard to be accessible to it's target...
Re: Gliders, Underwater propeller things, Mario Kart 3DS looks AWESOME
I will only get this if there is no blue shell/option to turn blue shell off. For me, that entire item makes the game not only luck based, but almost ruins it for me.
MP9 better have bowser as at least a secret playable character. I'm getting sick of playing as all the good guys. LM2 was a HUGE surprise for me. I personally never played the original though, so it will be a new experience for me.
Mario Sports Mix. Don't trust Square with the Mario franchise, let them stick to their Final Fantasies.
Super Mario Galaxy, isn't bad, but it has a disappointing feel of incompleteness. The sequel was definitely better.