Elusive Mario Paint Help

Hi Folks! I am in search of information about something that may not exist... A Mario sasquatch, so to speak. My brother swears that we had a Mario Paint game that was essentially the same as the SNES version, but that had its own stand alone board with buttons on the outside and drawing pad on the inside. Does such a thing exist?!
Thanks for any knowledge you may have!
Doing a bit of research, I wasn't able to find any information pertaining to this, though I am certainly not an expert. It's possible that a custom setup had been created by somebody, like building a special arcade cabinet, but from what I could find, no official Nintendo version of what you're describing was released.
Potentially, you may be mistaking the version of Mario Paint; there WAS a Mario Paint made for the N64DD, a failed perhipheral. I still don't think that the thing you described exist, even for the Mario Paint on the N64DD, however, it MIGHT be worth it to check it out and see if it jogs your memory any.