What identifier would Mario Kart 9 use for Mario Kart 8 tracks?

What identifier would Mario Kart 9 use for Mario Kart 8 tracks?

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The True Power Master
Banned User
Say an upcoming Mario Kart 9 uses retro courses. With Mario Kart 8 being released on both the Wii U and the Switch, what identifier do you think MK9 should use to specify what game the track is from?

Will it use (Wii U) since that was the platform the original game was on? Will it use (Switch) since that platform is doing better than the Wii U so far? Or will it use (MK8) as the identifier, possibly changing the others to (SMK), (MK64), etc. as well? Or another you can think of?
For retro battle courses, it would either be (Switch) or (MK8DX), since the Wii U version was just races turned into battle maps.

Personally hoping it uses (Wii U) as the identifier, if nothing else so we don't have to move every race course page :P. Answer will be revealed once Mario Kart 9 is announced or released.
I'm just going on a whim and say "Wii U' because it's traditional and consistent to how Mario Kart identifies its retro tracks and it's the original system it was on.
Most likely Wii U. Because even the internal files and PR assets refer to 8 and 8 Deluxe as a WU game.
I reckon Wii U, as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is clearly a remake and not seen as an entirely standalone game, so I don't think it would make much sense for it use NS (I reckon that'll probably be the abbreviation for the Switch). It would also cause problems if Mario Kart 9 is released on the Switch, as then the abbreviations would just be confusing- In fact, I'm wondering how they'd tackle battle courses now- NS8/NSD and NS9, perhaps?
probably wiiu, its the console it originated on
but if for whatever reason they don't want to do that they can probably put both, like wiiu/ns or something similar
guess it'll probably be affected by if mk9 is on switch or the next nintendo console
MK8, hopefully. I don't really want them doing MK8DX for the battle courses, though; just MK8. It's the same game on the Wii U and Switch, except that the Switch version added more content. Plus, we don't even know if Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the Mario Kart game for the Nintendo Switch. It's very possible, and likely, that MK9 will be a Switch game. And man, I sure hope it is; we need a new Mario Kart game for the Switch.