The Simpsons - Scary Movie (a Nelson x Lisa oneshot)


Banned User
Yeah so this is a Lisa x Nelson short story I made for The Simpsons, hope you enjoy.

"How many times do I have to tell you Lisa, No means no." Nelson said. "Come on!" Lisa protested. "Why can't I watch It with you?" Nelson and Lisa where at the latter's house, because Bart was having a sleep over. He invited Milhouse, Nelson, Ralph, and (after being guilt tripped by his mother,) Martin. Lisa was just going to mind her own business and do her homework as usual, But then she heard that Nelson had brought a scary movie to watch. And not just any scary movie, Steven King's IT. Now Lisa wasn't a really big fan of horror films but she had overheard Sherri and Terri talk about the movie yesterday and they said it was the scariest thing the had ever seen. "You wouldn't be able to handle it Lisa" Sherri said. "Yeah because your a scardy-cat." Terri added. "Am not" Lisa said. "Are too" The twins replied. This argument lasted the entire recess. Now Lisa had a chance to prove them wrong. So she asked Bart if she could watch IT with them. But he said no. "This movie is for men Lisa, Not scardy-cat girls like you." "I'm not a scardy-cat!" Lisa said "I can prove it. Just let me see the movie with you guys." I,ll talk to her" Nelson said as he took Lisa outside. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?" Nelson said. "Yes." Lisa said. "Can I watch the movie with you? Please?" Lisa begged, making the most adorable face she could. "All right." Nelson said. So they went back to the room and Nelson had a "talk" with Bart. Bart agreed to let Lisa see the movie. So they started IT. At first, Lisa wasn,t too scared. The sewer scene creeped her out a little, but she was all right. Then the blood bubble scene came and it terrified Lisa. She was so scared she wanted to leave. But then she saw Nelson, and how scared he was. "Nelson, are you scared?" She asked. "Yeah are you?" Lisa said "yes" Want to hold hands?" Nelson asked. Lisa blushed but said yes she would. And they did so for the rest of the movie.