Coding Problem


My cursor has blood on it.
Banned User
So, Mario Boards, you HAVE to have at least one other person who knows about the programming language Batch.

I'm trying to re-create LOZOOT as a text RPG.
Here's the code for the title screen (which is all I have so far) :
@echo off
title The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 0D
color 14
echo  ████████
echo █      █          THE LEGEND OF
echo       █  █████ ███   ███    ███
echo      █    █  █  █     █ █    █ █
echo     █     ██    █     █ █   █████
echo    █      █  █  █  █  █ █  █     █
echo   █      █████ █████ ███  ███   ███
echo  █      █
echo ████████
echo                  OCARINA OF TIME 0D
And the output is...

...ugly, to say the least.
What's the problem?
Before you say it:
editor=Notepad (normal and ++)
freakworld said:
looks like the character youre using for the black tiles is not being recognized
Yeah, and if I encode it as Unicode, it closes itself out immediately.
If I run it from the Command Prompt, it stops at
C:\Users\not revealing my name\Desktop>lozoot0d
C:\Users\still not revealing my name\Desktop>█C
'█C' is not known as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
In case you don't know, C:\Users\never revealing my name\Desktop>lozoot0d is the only thing inputted by me.
And just so you know, I edited the code a bit; it's now:
@echo off
title The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 0D
color 14
echo  ████████
echo █      █          THE LEGEND OF
echo       █  █████ ███   ███    ███
echo      █    █  █  █     █ █    █ █
echo     █     ██    █     █ █   █████
echo    █      █  █  █  █  █ █  █     █
echo   █      █████ █████ ███  ███   ███
echo  █      █
echo ████████          OCARINA OF TIME 0D
something about your tileset still seems off because apparently its trying to run the command "black squareC" which unsurprisingly doesnt work
freakworld said:
something about your tileset still seems off because apparently its trying to run the command "black squareC" which unsurprisingly doesnt work
Yeah, I don't understand why it's trying to run █C.
since im unfamiliar with this language, are you just running this inside cmd?

if so there might be something wrong with your windows settings
When I run color --help it confirms that your call to color with 14 will indeed cause a blue background with red text.

Combining that with changing the character set used to display to UTF-8 with chcp 65001 and then clearing the screen with cls to remove the message created by chcp, we get this:


@echo off
chcp 65001
title The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 0D
color 27
echo  ████████
echo █      █          THE LEGEND OF
echo       █  █████ ███   ███    ███
echo      █    █  █  █     █ █    █ █
echo     █     ██    █     █ █   █████
echo    █      █  █  █  █  █ █  █     █
echo   █      █████ █████ ███  ███   ███
echo  █      █
echo ████████
echo                  OCARINA OF TIME 0D

There are reports that chcp 65001 can cause issues in batch scripts, so proceed with caution.