The Million (your currency) drop!


I just thought I could do a game show that's currently going on in my country right now, but instead do it mostly about video games and popular stuff. All I need is 5 people to sign up and then we can get started!

The rules are quite simple
.You have a million of your currency, split in bundles of 25,000. You have to keep it across 5 questions, ranging from 4 to 2 answers. Once you see the question and answers, you will have 60 seconds (3 days) to put your money on the answers. Because they will be quite hard, you can split your money across the drops if you aren't completely certain of the answer. The only thing you can't do is to put money on ALL of the drops, you must always leave 1 clear. Once the time is up, all of the drops will drop except 1, which will be the correct answer. Also, if you are completely certain of your splitting, you can "stop the clock" and I will get on to the correct answer.

O.K! If I get sign ups quickly, I might be able to do this in 3 days!