TOME Discussion Topic

TOME is a series made by Kirbopher on newgrounds. He made it up to Season 3 with Sprites and the occasional art.

He's now restarted the series which isn't a sprite animationa nymore and completely art, roughly following the same story of the original. There are a couple of name changes, such as Racoon being called Rockoon and BlingBling being Doubling. It's still mostly the same and I've watched it 3 times over. The Link Is Below.

I also saw a video made by Kirbipher saying that if you pay 11 USD, you can give a picture of a character you've created/fan character/description for a character and he'll TOME-ify it and put it as a Background character in the episodes.

Discuss if you've watched it. It made the Top Videos on Newgrounds at the moment.