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  1. khaoticnoize187

    Yeah its honestly disgusting if you ask me.

    Yeah its honestly disgusting if you ask me.
  2. khaoticnoize187

    prince and princess more so

    prince and princess more so
  3. khaoticnoize187

    dead inside/outside as always lol

    dead inside/outside as always lol
  4. khaoticnoize187

    What Zone do you live in?

    urban here in canada
  5. khaoticnoize187

    April Fools 2024

    I think avgn doing a review of that horse otome game is a late out of season april fools joke lol
  6. khaoticnoize187

    Which Mario Kart track is better?

    rainbow road
  7. khaoticnoize187

    Unmask the above user

    This person from jigoku shojo i guess
  8. khaoticnoize187

    1,000,000 things we love

    417 that the fact we have an adaptaiton of the manga nana
  9. khaoticnoize187

    the usual sleepy and dead lol

    the usual sleepy and dead lol
  10. khaoticnoize187

    lol people forget we did had an ac movie once upon a time ago lol it was aighty

    lol people forget we did had an ac movie once upon a time ago lol it was aighty
  11. khaoticnoize187

    Describe the user above with a quote

    Human is an existence full of sin and Misery-jigoku shoujo
  12. khaoticnoize187

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    no idea they even existed lol that guy with the bowser pfp
  13. khaoticnoize187

    Say something the above user WOULD say

    Insert some random shitpost here.
  14. khaoticnoize187

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    2297 people have to feel the need to constantly be morality police as well as get offended 24/7
  15. khaoticnoize187

    Say something the above user WOULD ALWAYS SAY.

    "Insert some random dumb pun here"
  16. khaoticnoize187

    Give an unpredictable response to the user above

    Who needs friends when you have the voices in your head to keep you company.
  17. khaoticnoize187

    Rate the User above avatar!

  18. khaoticnoize187

    Do you think the RPG remakes will change the series' again?

    Tell that to the fuckheads down in reddit. OT The series god willing will be back in fans good graces with thousand year door and hopefully the 64 paper mario game gets ported.
  19. khaoticnoize187

    Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

    Mario should just stick to being a jrpg series at this point.
  20. khaoticnoize187

    Any other videogame music cover artists/fans here?

    yeah i do like listening to them from time to time.
  21. khaoticnoize187

    What was THAT game for you?

    twewy easily that one.
  22. khaoticnoize187

    Obscure/Weird/Creepy Stuff

    persona 1 geocites damn those are some good ass gems there from simpler times.
  23. khaoticnoize187

    Which Mario character has the worst fanbase?

    I'd say peach's fandom especially tehse days bunch angry good for nothing narcs who have nothing better to than just get constnatly mad at everything every few secs.
  24. khaoticnoize187

    Real-Life Photos

    Here's a buncha stuff im getting 4 easter.
  25. khaoticnoize187

    Your most favorite and least favorite Mario girls.

    easily rosalina is the best girl
  26. khaoticnoize187

    The future of Nintendo as a whole

    pretty much more lolsuits than anything lol
  27. khaoticnoize187

    dead inside and outside

    dead inside and outside
  28. khaoticnoize187

    Best Ace Attorney game

    trials and tribulations
  29. khaoticnoize187

    Experiences with fandoms.

    Staying away from reddit and twitter does wonders for sanity if you ask me.
  30. khaoticnoize187

    should there be an ace attorney game set in the 2100s

    not until we get a new game that takes place after the apollo justice saga in current time