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  • "We cannot win this reelection. We can only reelect Donald Trump" - something Joe Biden actually said
    I've had these random bouts of depression lately that last a few hours. Listening to music helps (as always) though
    I realize that I don't need to make a new sandwich, because I already have something I can slap ingredients into and call it a sandwich
    "They speak Canadian, we speak English." - My Bible study teacher explaining the difference between Canada and America
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    Canadian isn't even a language from what I know, how'd she mess up like that
    So Canada has 2 official languages: English and French. In the region of Canada I live close to, most people speak English, but signs and packaging also have to be in French. In the province of Quebec, however, almost everybody speaks French. So, to put it simply, the teacher (who is a he) was probably referring to French and accidentally called it Canadian instead.
    opinion on men?
    If a man is a neckbeard or any other sort of creep, you have exactly 10 seconds to get the fuck out of my circle of friends.
    Promotion Luigi
    Promotion Luigi
    More likely to be creeps if we're being 100% honest, but I mean for those of that are "normal" we're pretty good
    You know how one day we'll run out of natural gas and have to eat frozen corn and stuff? Well one day Mario Boards will run out of usernames and well have to call each other by 12 digit numbers
    Today I was mad at my phone so I bent it and it ACTUALLY bent
    • Wow
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    I bent it back though, it's fine
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    I guess you felt BENT out of shape
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    Don't get bent out of shape over tiny issues; folding to anger isn't a great idea. If you aren't prepared, unexpected twists in life may leave wrinkles on your brow. See how far you can stretch yourself and you'll find your temper more flexible than you may realize.

    Let that sink in.
    I don't know if it's the concrete wallpaper, the dumpster mural, or the gnomes, but there's just something about my local McDonalds that is effortlessly depressing
    He's Bowser, you're Bowser, I'm Bowser! Is there anymore Bowsers I should know about?!
    You probably shouldn't know about any more, but I may or may not have 4,013 Bowsers that I keep in my closet
    The Owl Trio
    The Owl Trio
    I'm the 4,012th. I escaped, gwahahahahahaha
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    Reactions: June
    uh for all of you who are online right now, nothing is happening
    i lost my Doctor Welfare pfp and I'm using this as a temporary replacement
    The Owl Trio
    hmm my pc may or may not be infected with malware after visiting supermariowiki.com, it was behaving strangely and then it crashed hard, we'll see how it goes
    Wait, never mind, it seems to have recovered or something, it's perfectly fine now. Sorry for this being the second false alarm here, I'm not looking for attention or anything, I was just genuinely worried if I would be able to talk on here anymore
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    You should run a scan anyway just to make sure nothing's up
    I did, it said there was no infected files. Thanks for the help anyway
    I finally reported supermariowiki.com to Google's anti phishing program, so maybe it'll finally get taken down. When I checked today, it still redirected to a site with an Indian namespace pretending to be McAfee. It says my Windows 10 pc (I do not own a Windows 10 pc) is infected with a virus and shoots you a big fat button that it says will cure your pc of all disease!
    A drunk man gets arrested for kicking a buffalo then pleads not guilty to it in court? now that's my kind of news headline
    I just finished my drivers ed exams and now have my learner's permit. For the first time in my life, I was able to walk home from my exams instead of walking home.
    My online academy: *gives me the 2024 student recognition award*

    Me: "I don't know what I did to deserve this! I'm genuinely confused but I'll take it anyway!"
    Under what circumstance have you ever seen Mario eat meat
    Yes, but have you ever seen Mario eat one of the meatballs themselves, or does he just eat the spaghetti
    Pink Cat
    Pink Cat
    Well he said he knows how a meatball feels when Yoshi ate him so he clearly ate them
    • Wow
    Reactions: June
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi

    meat doughnut, why else is it red and pink
    • Wow
    Reactions: June
    Russia hacked a Texas water tower to make it overflow. One of the most hilarious headlines I've heard this month. Still unfortunate though
    Most teenagers eating brunch:
    😋 finally something to start the day off!
    🤨 uh I already ate
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm 22 and I wait until after my 11:00-12:15 class to eat anything so I'm pretty sure that's not just a teenager thing.
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