Super Mario Boards

Paper Mario
Paper Mario
this was a thing before the forum switched to Xenforo, i'm pretty sure there's a technical reason we don't have them now
The Owl Trio
The Owl Trio
But arent they on Xenforo?
I may be able to get these back. Should I try, or would it be too flashy now that avatars are used all over the place? Sound off in the comments
The Owl Trio
The Owl Trio
I think you should try, porple. You have created an amazing wiki and an even more amazing fourm.
Paper Mario
Paper Mario
idk how feasible it would be, but if it is possible i think the best way to do it would be making GIF avatars only animate on thread posts and profile pages, and be static in other places.

i'm actually more concerned with URL avatars than GIFs in particular, I wanna use Signavatar again
The Owl Trio
The Owl Trio
That would be a good idea. What do you think porple?
The only option would be for it to animate everywhere. Unfortunately XenForo doesn't support URL avatars so there's really no good way to do that
The Owl Trio
The Owl Trio
animated everywhere seems ok to me