Super Mario Boards

Pink Cat
Pink Cat
Cynicism, as much I don't agree with it, is justified to have when one has a hard time on this planet.
This? It's cynicism for the sake of cynicism, whoever wrote this saw something negative and saw people thought it was smart but didn't actually think anything through
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
What I don't understand is that it's one of the most petty things to get upset over. What's wrong with people on the fence? I think skepticism is healthy, it's good that people don't overhype themselves over an entertainment product or hate it irredeemably. They'll find themselves enjoying much more products if they approach them that way.
"how dare someone has a mellow opinion on something, it's either love or hate lmao 010101010"
Turkish Bottle Thing
Turkish Bottle Thing
skepticism is obnoxious...?
