Super Mario Boards

G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
This except I don't have a boyfriend and want one badly. My parents are still going to try to put Parental Controls on all my devices even when I move out in seven months.
Why are your parents so mean to you @YOU'VE KILLED ME? Have you ever tried standing up to their beliefs and being independant?
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
See I stand up to my parents' beliefs regularly, any time I challenge their opinions they say, "this is an inappropriate time" even when my argument is completely on-topic and bring up one of the immature things I did like half a decade ago that I still apologized for, unlike them any time they act stupid, as ammo for not giving me a privilege now. Being independent is something that they don't allow because if they found out I was that adjective in a way they didn't like, they'd pull all funding from where I'm staying and from my college (although my Mom has more of a flip-flopping, constantly changing opinions attitude about the latter); this includes buying a new phone with my own money. They're also not above trying to use low bars, "WELL GRANDPA WAS MORE ABUSIVE TO DAD, AT LEAST WE DON'T LITERALLY BEAT YOU UP FOR DISAGREEING WITH US SO THEN WE'RE AUTOMATICALLY GOOD PARENTS!" and any time I start to win the argument like I mentioned they just say "I'm not in the mood to hear it" so it takes a tremendous amount of energy to keep my cool with them when I need to.
Natalie J.
Natalie J.
I'm sure they'll pull out the "But we've done so much for you!" bullshit if you ever try to cut all contact with them.